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Cake day: June 22nd, 2023


  • you can’t expect to enforce the definition you like on everyone

    It is literally the definition which has been used since the term’s conception when the open source movement split off from the software freedom movement. It is a well established term with a well established meaning. Just because you don’t want to use that meaning doesn’t mean it isn’t the correct and most widely recognised. Its not that I like the definition, it’s that it is the primary definition and always has been.

  • If someone posts their source code publicly, it’s open source.

    Uh, no. That’s called “source-available”. Terms have meanings. And from the day the words “open source” started being used, this definition is what defined them: https://opensource.org/osd

    You can’t just redefine an established term because it’s inconvenient to your argument.

    It’s unreasonable to ask them to review and maintain every PR

    Good thing being free/open source doesn’t require that, then? It basically just requires the users be free to make their own modifications and distribute them. No requirement for public development involvement at all, really. It’s standard practice but by no means necessary.

    If you want to fork it and make changes for yourself, you can

    They can terminate your license for any reason or no reason (stated in the license) making your fork in violation of copyright law :).

    In other words, they can take down your fork if they feel like it. Making the ability to fork useless.

    literally the only qualification for something to be open source …

    Again, terms have established meanings. See above.

    It’s also unreasonable to be upset if they tell you you’re not allowed to take their work and re-sell it for your own profit.

    I don’t see how this paragraph relates to my point at all. Is it about the NewPipe paid clones? Because they were illegal anyways (copyleft violation), no egregious license needed.

    But as you said, NewPipe is also copyleft, and it seems like you don’t have a problem with that. So I don’t really understand what your issue is with Grayjay/FUTO.

    What do you mean “also copyleft”? Are you implying the GrayJay license is copyleft? Because it absolutely isn’t. Again, established term, definition: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/copyleft.en.html

    And finally, here’s some particularly nasty parts of the license, which funilly enough you don’t ever see in free/open source licenses (because they’re horribly restrictive terms):

    “If you issue proceedings in any jurisdiction against the provider because you consider the provider has infringed copyright or any patent right in respect of the code (including any joinder or counterclaim), your license to the code is automatically terminated.”

    “We may suspend, terminate or vary the terms of this license and any access to the code at any time, without notice, for any reason or no reason, in respect of any licensee, group of licensees or all licensees including as may be applicable any sub-licensees.”

  • Advertised as “open source”, violates several key parts of the open source definition. It’s really a “look but don’t touch” thing.

    And you do realise ANY copyleft license (GPL, etc) prevents the creation of nonfree applications using that code? Making the app proprietary (yes, GrayJay counts as proprietary) is completely unnecessary.

    I know Rossmann brought up NewPipe fakes on the Play Store as justification, but NewPipe is licensed under the GPL. These fakes were already illegal.

  • Aw, are you sad now? You can’t think of anything else so you complain about the topic being changed ever so slightly to letting cats outside (still very much related)?

    Anyways, you are just as responsible as me for switching topic.

    And that’s how a conversation typically works. If you strictly never even slightly deviate the conversation will fall flat on it’s face in two minutes.

    Also, I addressed the bird thing elsewhere. You should see it, since it’s a direct reply to you, the high-horse shining example of global animal population ethics American.

  • I didn’t say it’s fine. I said it’s the only problem when you made the grand claim that domestic cats were basically stealing their food source.

    Because you made it sound like they’re dying, when they’re really just hybridising. Both are forms of extinction in a sense, but one is a lot worse than the other.

    And again, they don’t even live in the same damn parts of the country.

    Americans like you need put in your place and reminded that the whole world does not revolve about you and your country’s circumstances.