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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: November 7th, 2023


  • whose throwing away stuff every six months, hardware cycles arent even remotely that short, hell, moores law was never that short in the existence of said law. and its not like I dont have my fair share of preventing hardware waste (my litteral job is the refurbishing and resell of computer hardware, im legitimately doing more than the averge person and trying to maintain older hardware several fold). But its not my job to dictate what is fun and whats not. whats fun for you isnt exactly everyone elses definition of fun.

  • less on general software but more in the gaming side, why target the igpu then. although its common, even something near a decade old would be an instant uplift gaming performance wise. the ones that typically run into performamce problems mostly are laptop users, the industry that is the most wasteful with old hardware as unless you own a laptop like a framework, the user constantly replaces the entire device.

    I for one always behind lengthening the lifetime of old hardware (hell i just replaced a decade old laptop recently) but there is an extent of explectations to have. e.g dont expect to be catered igpu wise if you willingly picked a pre tiger lake igpu. the user intentionally picked the worse graphics hardware, and catering the market to bad decisions is a bad move.

  • as the other person mentions, the purpose of camm standard is speed. sodimm has realistically hit its frequency limit, which is why the lpddr versions of devices tend to have higher clocks. the faatest components in terms of bandwith is always the closest to the cpu sock (which is why for instance, the fastest pci-e lane on a motherboard is usually the top most x16 slot, as well as usually fastest m.2 slot).

    camm is the fix required for next generation high speed memory because of the phenomena, else igpu performance is going to be held back, which doesnt bode well when igpus are getting bigger to able to take a load off AI workloads.

  • the more you use the native implementations of stuff, the more you see it. if you for example, dont use edge, dont use the native task bar/start bar, dont use the microsoft store, dont use any of the built in AI tools, then AD visibily would be minimal.

    A good chuck of the Ad problems is usually fixed by using 3rd party software, be it completely switching OS, or using non native software.

    its like trying to use old internet explorer and complaining about ads, when 3rd party alternatives exist, and of the subset who complains, a chunk refuse to get off IE, and look for ways to mod IE instead of just going 3rd party from the get go.

  • i wouldnt say im an expert at it as ive only had my media server for a month now, but how i approached making it user friendly was buying a domain name, and using a cloudflare tunnel to link your ip addresses/port to a subdomain.domain combination.

    e.g i have overseer accessible by overseerr.domainname.extention and have it linked to the servers ipadress and port number. if i wanted to add another one, i would for example add a new subdomain and do the same (e.g plex.domainname.extention and point it to the correct ip/port combo)

    although this has the cost of owning a domain, it doesnt require you to open a port so its better for security reasons

  • buying tech products by brand allows brands to sell you a shitty product at premium price points. companies will always shit out bad eggs at times, and its your job to know which product line are bad and not let brand loyalty bypass that.

    at the bare minimum, if you are buying by brand, buy it solely based on customer support, as some companies are significantly better at that than others, which is an objective trait.