• 1 Post
Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: December 6th, 2023


  • I’ve had game and software ideas swirling around in my brain, but for the longest time I couldn’t program them. But now, I have enough knowledge to build parts of my grand deckbuilding game idea: An arcade style deckbuilding game with strong meta-progression. It’s playable at superspruce.org.

    As for some other ideas, including the simple idea of a weighted shuffle music playlist where each song has its own weight, they are still currently out of reach, mostly due to trying to access the filesystem and whatnot. Better than a month ago, where within the last month I found out how to make the browser play music

  • I’m of the opinion that it’s a positive. Often I use “string” + number to access HTML elements and it just works. I can even use it to concatenate arrays.

    Meanwhile, when I try to debug in C++ with cout statements, half the time it doesn’t even do anything even though I use std::to_string().

  • Out of the 3 main web languages I use to develop my games (HTML, CSS, and JavaScript), CSS is definitely my least favorite.

    HTML is relatively simple and understandable such that bugs rarely get introduced into my HTML code.

    JavaScript, while janky and not known for good performance, will work without too much trouble compared to other languages (I’m looking at you, C++). No segfaults, effortless type casting, intuitive syntax, and debugging is fairly easy. Worst part is editing HTML and styles with JavaScript, it just feels clunky, to both the programmer and the CPU.

    And then there’s CSS. Despite being a language dedicated to making things look pretty, it’s just an unintuitive list of properties on HTML classes. So many times it takes way too long to do a simple thing like center text in a div when there is other text that is meant to not be centered. But I guess I’m not using it to its fullest potential, as I recently came across an article that listed many pretty graphics, often animated, that was purely made using CSS.

  • As someone who has used all 3, MacOS is the worst overall. It combines the closed source nature of Windows with the limited software availability of Linux, and requires expensive hardware to run (look at the RAM/storage markups), and goes out of support artificially, just like Windows, and also is the least customizable out of the 3.

    The only thing Mac is best for is if you have a lot of money, and either really hate Windows and need certain proprietary apps or are a prosumer or professional using Apple’s professional software like Final Cut Pro and the like.

    But for everything else, Windows and Linux does what MacOS does but better.

    • Basic computer for web browsing? Linux
    • Need that specific niche app? Windows, optional dual boot with Linux if you hate Windows
    • Gaming? Windows is best and Linux is close behind, but MacOS is not even in the race
    • Development? Linux all the way

    I dual boot Windows and Linux (on 2 separate SSDs), and I think it’s the best option for me.

    1. I want it to be internet accessible. A friend taught me how to use nginx for the local network, although I’ve forgotten that now.
    2. My previously mentioned computers are computers I don’t use that much, especially the old laptop. My main computer is a 2021 ROG Strix G15 Advantage Edition. I won’t be hosting from that.
    3. Private networking is just hosting over a LAN, right?
    4. Does Docker work well on old hardware and is Docker easy to learn?
    5. I have the most knowledge on Ubuntu based distros. I don’t think Manjaro, a bleeding edge rolling distro, is good for hosting.
    6. How do I use let’s encrypt or something to boost my security?

  • I am experimenting with Linux on two devices: My daily driver laptop and a desktop.

    The laptop is set on a dual boot from 2 SSDs. The first SSD contains Windows and has one 2TB NTFS partition. The other SSD has a 250GB partition for ext4 where Ubuntu lives and a 750GB partition for ExFAT.

    The desktop has a 500GB SSD with ext4 for the OS, and has two 4 year old 2TB HDDs for data. This is why I’m trying to run them in RAID 1. For cross compatibility (and what they were already formatted as), they are in NTFS.

    What do you think of that? Am I using adequate filesystems?

  • I’m still figuring it out. I know ExFAT works across all desktop OS’s, NTFS works with Linux and Windows, and ext4 only works with Linux.

    But it took a half hour of googling to figure out you can’t install Linux on NTFS. I planned to do that to ease cross platform compatibility. Oops. I’m also attempting a RAID 1 array using NTFS. It seems to work, but I’m not sure how to automatically mount it on boot. I feel like I might have picked the wrong filesystem.

  • I guess I’m open minded because I’m a noob with Linux yet I’ve worked with XFCE, LXQt, KDE, and GNOME (in that order), and none of them were a pain, except possibly LXQt, which was super clunky to customize, but it ran amazing on weak hardware, so I’m giving it a pass. I reckon I’d be cool with Cinnamon, MATE, Unity, or even one of the lightweight DE’s.

    Yet, all of these DEs I’ve used were on Ubuntu based distros. I feel afraid to encounter weird things with other distros. For example, doesn’t DaVinci Resolve only run on Ubuntu based distros?