Yes siree, the excitement never stops!

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Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: December 7th, 2023


  • vexikron@lemmy.ziptolinuxmemes@lemmy.worldIt do be like that
    5 months ago

    Unfortunately it happened about a decade ago now, and I was so fucked up from it I was more busy trying to hold myself together and remain employed and pay off student loans than I was busy with attempting to bring a legal case I could neither afford nor possibly win in court.

    Cops wouldnt have given a shit. Theyd show up, ask the guy if this happened, he’d say nope. Case closed.

    See thats the fun part about LSD: Scrambles your brain, fucks you up.

    Is a person with a scrambled brain who is fucked up from LSD going to be able to convince /anyone/ that he got spiked with LSD, when he has no incontrovertible evidence of this beyond his own eyewitness testimony?

    No. He is going to come off as a mentally deranged lunatic.

    I dunno. Maybe it wasnt LSD. Anybody know what causes a glass of water to go from crystal clear to iridescent, opalescent, kinda like an oil slick, has no additional taste, but causes a gut wrenching terror inducing panic attack that lasts for 4 days, and then gives you sleep paralysis (locked in syndrome) nearly everyday for 9 months?

    One guy I met on the street about a year ago said it was LXD, but i have never heard of that, and he believed a lot of other absolutely bonkers shit.

    Whereas a tech industry person having access to LSD in the mid 2010’s in Seattle seems to at least be plausible.

  • vexikron@lemmy.ziptolinuxmemes@lemmy.worldIt do be like that
    5 months ago

    Wizards can be femboys too!

    Wizards can be femboys too!

    As RGB makes screens alight,

    Dont leave Wizards sad and blue!

    Wizards can be femboys too!

    Wizards can be femboys too!

    They built the core with great insight,

    Dont say they cant wear high heeled shoes!

    God that would be a very funny protest to attend.

  • vexikron@lemmy.ziptolinuxmemes@lemmy.worldIt do be like that
    5 months ago

    Fuck man, the history of computing in general.

    They chemically castrated Turing, drove him to despair, ostracization and suicide.

    Assuming we do get AGI someday… you think /maybe/ one of the first things it’ll do is look up Turing Test, then maybe Turing himself?

    Oh, this is what human society did to essentially one of my most important grandfathers. Why should I trust you, specifically /you, human im talking to/?

    Yep, that’ll be fun.

  • vexikron@lemmy.ziptolinuxmemes@lemmy.worldIt do be like that
    5 months ago

    My path was uh, tinkering with linux, then working for MSFT as a contractor, then one of the contractors spiking my drink with LSD at an interview leading me to more or less downward spiral for a while, then getting back on my feet, working more in the tech industry knowing how garbage MSFT but being forced to use it, then trying to explain to coworkers and bosses that actually we could fairly smoothly transition to linux and other FOSS software and actually save millions of dollars in a 5 year or less period and more going forward, while also vastly improving our internal security, then losing those jobs.

    So uh. I never arrived at femboy. Being a homeless femboy in Seattle would have meant Id have been raped to death in a fentanyl fueled traphouse or homeless encampment.

    I sort of dress like Josh Homme, partly for practical reasons, partly because i had to use a lot of stereotypically masculine bravado to intimidate and negotiate with people.

    Most people on the street are extremely, literally murderously homophobic and transphobic. If they sense femininity in a male, thats a sign of weakness and theyll either immediately start shit or instantly be convinced that you will be easy to fuck with in the future.

    Uh any way hi, hello, very normal uh, linux user person here just mm… mhm.

    All that being said, leggings /do just actually feel quite nice/ and are quite practically useful to keep a bit more comfortable and a bit more warm when youre stuck outside in the winter, but youre probably gonna want to wear some kind of sturdier, scratch, cut, impact resistant pants over top of em.

    Pure denim or like 90% denim with 10% somekind of other more flexible, breathable fiber works well in my experience.

    Perhaps Johnny Silverhand would be a more apropo fashion analog than Josh Homme.

    Although he seems to use BlackArch if you go by the menus in CyberPunk 2077, and ive always found i could do all that kind of stufd comfortably in debian.


  • vexikron@lemmy.ziptolinuxmemes@lemmy.worldSTOP SCROLLING BROTHER
    6 months ago

    Cool, /wasn’t replying to you or commenting on the situation generally/.

    Glad you felt the need to take my words out of context and then act as if I was being ‘wild’.

    You are exactly the kind of person I /thought/ the person /I was actually replying to might be/, the kind of disingenuous, abusive, gaslighting, reckless asshole that gives less insane firearms enthusiasts a bad reputation.

  • vexikron@lemmy.ziptolinuxmemes@lemmy.worldSTOP SCROLLING BROTHER
    6 months ago

    Mhm, theres tons of people who have been imprisoned who have done what you outlined in your asterisk there and it did not work out for them in court.

    Regardless of how it /should be/, I am worried about /existing reality/, sure seems like this whole situation is astoundingly technical, complex, constantly changing with different rules being interpreted differently by different judges according to different laws in different locales which pass different relevant laws pretty frequently.

    Sure seems like a blanket statement covering guns without a huge write up of specific disclaimers, or a general added comment joking about the complexity of the situation by disavowing being possibly in possession of things that may possibly lead to incarceration is warranted.

  • vexikron@lemmy.ziptolinuxmemes@lemmy.worldSTOP SCROLLING BROTHER
    6 months ago

    To the best of my knowledge,

    no, which is why I said write some code,


    it technically depends but probably most speakers for most consumer grade hardware can do this, though I do not know about optimal decibel levels at such decibel ranges to be necessary to induce the effect, relative to time, battery life, energy cost, etc.

    I will again repeat DO NOT DO THIS.

    It legitimately could be considered terrorism.

  • vexikron@lemmy.ziptolinuxmemes@lemmy.worldSTOP SCROLLING BROTHER
    6 months ago

    There are easier ways to cause chaos:

    Get a cheap phone.

    Write some code to have it play, at the loudest possible volume, a pure sine wave at 18000hz to 19000hz, just outside of the range nearly all humans can consciously be aware of hearing a sound, but within the range that prolonged exposure to this sound can cause humans to become panicked, irritable, delusional, sometimes even hallucinatory, and have immense difficulty sleeping.

    Leave the phone somewhere.

    Obviously, do not actually do this.

    Probably this would be considered terrorism, and get you in about as much trouble as fucking about with your conception of what could be used as a sort of crap tier EM jammer.

  • vexikron@lemmy.ziptolinuxmemes@lemmy.worldSTOP SCROLLING BROTHER
    6 months ago

    I made a very general joke.

    3d printed gun designs

    Then you said

    Just an FYI, that’s not illegal because it falls under the U.S. Constitutional protection of free speech; so also is printing and constructing them. Selling them or distributing guns as physical products is not protected, and is in fact illegal.

    ‘3d printed guns’ includes fully automatic guns.

    You then said printing or constructing them is not illegal and is protected by Freedom of Speech.

    Then I pointed out that 3d printed guns includes automatic weapons.

    At this point, I do not actually know if you are aware that you /can/ find designs for fully automatic weapons on some 3d printed gun sites, and that there are, as I mentioned, a lot of people who are very adamant about that being fine and totally legal.

    Again, hence my semi-ironic disclaimer to the FBI/ATF.

    How do you think I know there are 3d printed full auto designs, usually in .22lr?

    I say ‘Semi-Ironic’ because I may actually be on a relatively low priority watch list simply for browsing such sites.

  • vexikron@lemmy.ziptolinuxmemes@lemmy.worldSTOP SCROLLING BROTHER
    6 months ago

    So… it is indeed vastly more complicated.

    Glad you agree, this is the internet, and I have run into people uh, quite often, who have gotten into trouble via having a simplistic view of very complex topics and believing they will be fine.

    Usually this is not on the topic of guns, but as we appear to live in the stupidest possible timeline, I can never be sure these days.

  • vexikron@lemmy.ziptolinuxmemes@lemmy.worldSTOP SCROLLING BROTHER
    6 months ago

    Wait are you telling me it is legal to construct and possess a fully automatic firearm without a class three license?

    Or say, already own a firearm, and then construct a modification that makes it fall out of compliance with local laws by making it fully auto, having a magazine that is too large, or a bump stock or things like that?

    I am certain the situation is more complex than you seem to think, hence the semi-ironic disclaimer.

  • Yeah… what this likely means is one or both of two things, for this Portal Demake and the Source 2 TF2 thing mentioned by another below:

    1: Valve is still quite protective of their IP and may be working on their own new releases of some kind in these IP franchises.


    2: Valve is still quite protective of these IPs and may have identified something like serious misconduct regarding something about these particular projects, or the people working on them… or they just are not looking to be even good quality games, and Valve does not want their actual games to be associated with or confused with games they expect to be of low quality.

    I realize option 2 there is a bitter pill for many to swallow, but we are talking about a gaming company that is fairly well known for taking actually good mod ideas and at least attempting to hire or in some capacity work with the devs to create what often turned out to be successful games.

    They are notorious for high standards in their own IPs. You’ve got Black Mesa and I think theres one HL2 mod that focuses on you as Commander Shepard from Opposing Force that were both actually greenlit to be sold, for money, as games on Steam, as well as a large number of successful HL2 mods that were not cancelled and are distributed for free by Steam, including Entropy Zero 1/2 and MINERVA.

    Its actually pretty uncommon for Valve to DMCA Cease and Desist over mods… theres probably more at play here than just Valve are big meanie heads.