I installed Ignited via SideStore. No Jailbreaking necessary. Not computer tether. SideStore can renew the side loaded emulator every 7 days when on WiFi. The iPhone is perfect for DS emulation with a stylus.

(Ignited is a fork of Delta with more options, and SideStore is a fork of AltStore, with no computer tether needed)

  • stevedidwhat_infosec@infosec.pub
    10 months ago

    While the likelihood is lesser, and open source technologies are helpful for finding bugs, they are not a guarantee and their degree of effectiveness is questionable. Especially with the rate at which AI continues to improve, making the likelihood that an AI could detect a vuln in the code and relay that info to a hacker much higher than before.

    I’m a professional in this field, and have first hand experience with the matter. I understand you’d like to defend your post and the product but this is quite misleading.

    I’m not saying this is a virus, but it increases the chances that you could get hacked, and you should consider if playing Pokémon on your phone is worth that risk. That is all.