Good old Udemy Elixr/Pheonix courses being irrelevant within 6 months but still trying to con people by saying they’re updated to current year.

    6 days ago

    I agree kotlin can be a cool language sometimes. And I’m sure it’s been a more gradual journey if you’ve worked with it while it’s been evolving. But man, jumping in at Android 10/11 having to remain compatible with 7 (we’ve moved up to a minimum of 10 now thankfully) with how much background services and file storage permissions changed right around that time was an extreme headache to work around.

    But I definitely prefer C#'s async/await Tasks than trying to wrap my head around all the various coroutine scopes, runBlocking and all that jazz. I know they are very similar concepts, but there’s just something with coroutines that isn’t clicking in my head.