I’m moving my posts from Reddit to Lemmy before delete them.

This post is from 2021-11-11.

It should’ve been apt-get but welp.

  • Rina@feddit.de
    1 year ago

    This exact thing actually was user error. I mean, I like my people Linus, Luke, Emily and the others like every other average tech person… But when Steam is the absolute first thing you go for after installing your OS, then, sorry, but then you have only yourself to blame. It wouldn’t have happened if he checked for updates first. And, lets be real, you would do in Windows too. I mean, dunno how it’s nowadays, as Win7 was my last Windows… but back then I just downloaded the most recent Win7UpdatePack from winfuture.de and slapped that on it. First thing I do after Windows installation since WinXP. Because just throwing their UpdatePack at it is WAY faster than using Windows own updater… BY HOURS!!

    Personally I don’t like Ubuntu based distros. Their updaters always break for me. Sooner or later it fails to update because an installed package is more up2date than expected. …A weird issue I never had on Fedora. Linus didn’t want to give Fedora a try. He didn’t say why. And later he said it wasn’t because of the neckbeard memes. So what’s his issue anyway? Nobody knows… Aside from Yvonne maybe.

    • JshKlsn@lemmy.ml
      1 year ago

      I’m sorry, but blaming him for breaking his os because he didn’t check for updates first is ridiculous. The difference is that in Windows, the entire os wouldn’t break if you decided to install steam first. If it did, you would blame Microsoft. Same with MacOS.

      It’s not his fault. It was a bug in the os, which is the fault of the pop_os! developers. You also can’t blame him if the command he used was wrong, because Linux users love giving terminal commands to people without explanation and refusal to explain how it could also be done via the UI if preferred.

      You know what the better reaction would be? To criticise the developers for allowing a bug like that to make it into production. To explain to the user that it happened to that it’s not their fault, it was a rare bug, and was super unfortunate. Offer them an explanation, maybe suggest other distros that are more polished, and help them with their Linux journey.

      Blaming them for something that wasn’t their fault isn’t welcoming, isn’t going to want to make them want to stay, and will make sure they think twice before trying again.

      Not sure why you’re upset that he didn’t want to use Fedora? That’s the beauty of Linux, there are plenty of distros. That’s what sets Linux apart. Maybe you don’t want to use Ubuntu because of it’s layout, or a different distro because it’s red and you like green. No matter the reason, who cares? Guess what? I’ve had more issues with Fedora than any other distro I’ve ever used. If you asked me, I’d say Linux Mint is the best ootb experience, and I’m sure someone else will tell me that Linux Mint fucked their wife and killed their cat and that I’m a stupid racist for thinking that.

      Edit: also want to make it clear that windows and MacOS both have their own issues, some of which are really bad. No OS is perfect, and I think we should stop being weirdly defensive over a damn operating system. If one of them was leagues better, multiple OSes wouldn’t exist.