As far as I understood, currently most if not all plasma services are automatically launched on login, and they are defined in /etc/xdg/autostart/. This has several problems, such as annoying ones like DiscoverNotifier, or security relevant ones like kdeconnect-daemon not being trivial to disable. I am currently experimenting with neutering these autostart entries and replacing them with systemd services. But I am not sure if I know what I am doing, so I am happy for help. Example for KDEConn...
Requires: If a unit “requires” another unit, it means that the former cannot function properly without the latter being active. If the required unit fails, the dependent unit will also fail.
Wants: As mentioned earlier, “wants” implies a weaker dependency. If a unit wants another unit, it will start if the wanted unit is activated, but it won’t fail if the wanted unit fails.
Sounds like most of the services actually have Requires and not Wants.
So Wants is more used to indicate in what “wave” a service should run. Quite nice!
Something ChatGPT gave me
Sounds like most of the services actually have Requires and not Wants.
So Wants is more used to indicate in what “wave” a service should run. Quite nice!