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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: August 5th, 2023


  • It does give some insight into how people think. Some people are bothered with UI events and placement, others wanted to reduce the bandwidth it required, we had one girl who approached it focused on the accessibility of the software, and unfortunately for us support was abysmal. You also need thick skin to invite random joe off the street to tell you how your software sucks.

  • Part of my previous company’s hiring process included having the candidate use our software, then asking what they thought of the experience and what improvements they thought would have the most impact. It wasn’t entirely useful because devs weren’t in control of prioritizing changes, but it was always interesting to see which pain points stuck out to the candidate.

  • Heh I can relate, a proper artist - someone with a creative mind and vision - will still run circles around me. I often rely on references and “copying” previous work. I also never learned to draw, instead jumping straight into 3d modeling. Drawing is basically the quickest way to experiment with concepts and designs and that knowledge gap has become a glaring issue over time. There’s no “fix”, just 10,000 more hours of practice…

  • Nah, call it a mental block or creative fear or whatever, but publishing is an open invitation for criticism and negative feedback. If I’m crossing into that, I feel a need for it to at least be a complete package I’m presenting. This is just my experience, most devs will advise you to get your work in front of an audience as soon as possible and iterate quickly.

  • Yes this is what I tell myself to keep from going insane, I learned a lot. Unfortunately the majority of these skills I’ve acquired are not applicable to “pay the bills” work. By trade, I’m still building web forms and streamlining internal business processes - what would it look like I spent those years on perfecting that craft instead? What if I didn’t block out my evenings and sacrifice time with friends and family? Life is always a series of trade-offs, I suppose.

  • I envy you in some ways, recognizing your limits is something I wish I would have done. I came from a coding background, spent like 2 years learning unity, then eventually realized much of the cool stuff for games happen on the art side. So I learned blender… the whole pipeline- modeling, sculpting, materials, animations, each piece had it’s own challenges and quirks.

    It’s been like 15 years since I started, I still haven’t released a game… but I do have a collection of neat prototypes that no one has played. I often wonder if I’ve wasted my time with the whole thing. If I could go back, I’d choose one niche, specialize in it and find a team to collaborate with, but there are trade offs with that too like giving up a lot of creative control.