I would recommend making a new post since hijacking someone else’s is kinda rude imho.
✍️ Hobbyist Writer, 🎲 Role player, 🧩 Game master, 🚀 Sci-Fi enthusiast, 💫 Star Citizen 🇪🇺 EU Citizen, 🐧🦊 Linux user, 🧑💻 Professional Software Developer, 🏳️🌈 they/them
I would recommend making a new post since hijacking someone else’s is kinda rude imho.
for the taskbar part: you can just add an additional panel to your second screen, pull a window list on it that configure it so that it only shows windows of that active screen (I’m currently not on KDE so I can’t be of more assistance), kwin afaik has a tiling plugin/mode that you can activate.
So something like tiling, but with taskbars on each screen that only show the application/windows of that given screen?
And it would still be tainted by Google. Yeah no thanks buddy. I rather use Gnome Web/Epiphany than using Chrome.
Their inventions?
Apple forked KHtml into WebKit and developed on it, while not pushing their changes/upgrades back upstream. Then Google came and used WebKit for chrome and eventually began forking it into Blink.
Tell me how Blink or WebKit is Google’s invention?
plus Blink is open source so what’s not to like?
It’s made by Google.
Because choice is an illusion.
way more personality for sure.
Oh, you were asking how to change its user interaction. Well I don’t have any answer to that, maybe a different application launcher is more suited to your scenario?
Application Launcher basically search well known directories for .desktop
files which contains info like Name of the Application, the icon to use, what executable to run and also which category/categories this Application belongs to.
For example my Sea of Thieves for Steam .desktop entry
[Desktop Entry]
Name=Sea of Thieves
Comment=Play this game on Steam
Exec=steam steam://rungameid/1172620
You can read more about that specification here: https://specifications.freedesktop.org/desktop-entry-spec/latest/index.html#introduction
and for the Categories, this specification entry could help you: https://specifications.freedesktop.org/menu-spec/latest/category-registry.html
Remember DLL hell in windows 2000? Damn that was rough.
mhm do you have any application/dolphin-plugin that has synchronisation capabilities, or version control, or dolphin detected that the exec
in those desktop files can’t be resolved?
that would be my self hosted nextcloud :)
You can literally use W11 without an account so easily
is it though? You need to jump through several hoops to get a local account. And why is it so complicated when previous version, heck even Windows 10 showed an easy way (albeit a nagging process).
as I said, Walled Garden. And no, you don’t get Office with an Microsoft Account, you need a subscription to Office 365 to use those applications.
No, we should not, as a Microsoft Online Account is absolutely unnecessary. And so is a google account and apple Id.
They only exist to keep you in a walled garden of fostered services.
Microsoft Account: Windows, OneDrive, Teams.
Google Account: Google, Chrome, Android, Youtube, Google Mail etc. (too many to list)
Apple Id: uh, I guess purchases in the app store and apple music.
The other examples are for one service only, reducing friction of moving to other services (if there is one)
After you poured your coffee you put ice cubes in it.
I mean Brodie is a meme sure, but watching a video about it? Nah.