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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 8th, 2023


  • Its worth mentioning that certain mainstream interpretations are also concretely deterministic. For example many worlds is actually a deterministic interpretation, the multiverse is deterministic, your particular branch simply appears probabilistic. Much more deterministic is Bohmian mechanics. Copenhagen interpretation, however, maintains randomness.

  • Its not that odd if you think about it. Everything else in this universe is deterministic. Well, quantum mechanics, as we observe it, is probabilistic, but still governed by rules and calculable, thus predictable (I also believe it is, in some sense, deterministic). For there to be free will, we need some form of “special sauce”, yet to be uncovered, that would grant us the freedom and agency to act outside of these laws.

  • Seth Anil has interesting lectures on consciousness, specifically on the predictive processing theory. Under this view the brain essentially simulates reality as a sort of prediction, this simulated model is what we, subjectively, then perceive as consciousness.

    “Every good regulator of a system must be a model of that system“. In other words consciousness might exist because to regulate our bodies and execute different actions we must have an internal model of ourselves as well as ourselves in the world.

    As for determinism - the idea of libertarian free will is not really seriously entertained by philosophy these days. The main question is if there is any inkling of free will to cling to (compatibilism), but, generally, it is more likely than not that our consciousness is deterministic.

  • Physics and more to the point, QM, appears probabilistic but wether or not it is deterministic is still up for debate. Until such a time that we develop a full understanding of QM we can not say for sure. Personally I am inclined to think we will find deterministic explanations in QM, it feels like nonsense to say that things could have happened differently. Things happen the way they happen and if you would rewind time before an event, it should resolve the same way.

  • DrRatso@lemmy.mltolinuxmemes@lemmy.worldSimple as
    3 months ago

    I will soon have to confront the brain tumor that I surely have, which makes me play League, as they are going to roll out Vanguard anticheat. I sorely wish there was an alternative with similar vibes, DotA is too sweaty for me and not as fun mechanically.

  • This is a semi-good LPT. You can save a lot of time and grievance by just not folding your clothes and throwing them into piles (inside boxes or drawers, preferably) by type (socks, underwear, shirts, etc). Bonus tip - if you have a spot where dirty clothes keep piling up (used to be bedroom for me), just put a laundry basket there (in the exact spot you discard your dirty clothes).

    If you hate doing laundry, get a dryer and do this, it will make it so much easier. It becomes transport your basket from your aggregation area, dump it in the washer, throw in a random amount of whatever washing thing around, set an alarm on phone, throw it in the dryer, second alarm, take it to your usage pile(s). Turns laundry from tedious into barely a chore.

  • You could either have socks already in pairs at drying time (we hangdry so we do this, just hang them together and when taking off, fold one into the other, they will not separate accidentally). Alternatively you could have all the same socks and not care.

    Alternatively, you can just not care if yours socks match. I only care for my business socks because a) they all have silly designs and b) My line of work calls for a slight bit of professionalism in appearance, so I try to style my hair, clean up my facial hair and at least have matching socks, goofy as they might be. Thank god I don’t have to wear a suit.

  • Once you know, it is easy. But this random popup with 0 explanation, besides an arrow, is not intuitive at all. In general I like my MacBook Air but I hate MacOS and if it wasn’t apple silicon itd be running linux. Once Asahi or something similar deals with growing pains, it will 100% be doing so.

  • DrRatso@lemmy.mltolinuxmemes@lemmy.worldYour PC will thank you...
    6 months ago

    I think this depends. People who need basic computer functions can get on very well with linux.

    My classmate in highschool had ubuntu on his home pc as long as I remember, because someone preconfigured it for them and it was mainly a browser - schoolwork machine. He gamed on XBox. There was no hassle, it was fine.

    My mom on her run down laptop has mint now, because I configured it for her. I haven’t heard any complaints.

    E: Also many hospital here run Linux and it is just fine, and trust me, many of the medical staff are barely tech literate enough to register for email themselves.

    Linux is a problem for people who come from windows and need more than basics but are not tech savvy enough to get their hands dirty. Then once your comfort level with tinkering goes up again, Linux is once again not a bad recommendation. It really kind of is the bell curve meme.

  • Now mind you, everything I write might be wrong, I am out of my depth here.

    But as I understand a BTRFS snapshot is simply a (subvolume in which you will find) copy of the table that points to the actual files or, rather, blocks on your drive. As long as a table exists that points to a block, this block will persist.

    The nature of BTRFS is Copy-on-Write so in your active snapshot, when you modify a file / block, a copy of it is created with the new version, referencing this new block on the filesystem table.

    This is why BTRFS snapshots are fast and take little space by themselves, you do not need to actually copy all the data at the moment of creating the backup, rather when the data is modified and only that data.

  • I mean, it might be a wayland issue, sure. And I am not saying wayland as a whole is perfect, I am just saying I don’t feel I generally have experienced nvidia + wayland problems as opposed to just wayland problems.

    Although I did concede that I did have an electron issue which turns out was an NV + W issue and I just didn’t know.

    I use FF and had no issues on either KDE, Hypr or GNOME, as well as used KDE around 2 months ago and didn’t notice any right click problems, so I imagine whatever it was got fixed since you tried it.

  • I mean, i used nvidia with KDE and nvidia-dkms with hyprland, no difference.

    E: The question is about nvidia cards playing with wayland anyway. Also afaik nvidia-open is not the same driver as noveau.

    I mentioned the distro to point out I am not using a driver package that is 6 months old.

    we could tell just from the sense…

    Calm down buddy, no need to project your insecurities all over the place, everyone can tell you are a raging dick anyway.

    E2: Brb, gonna check comments…

    A device that allows me to kill any billionaire, world leader, or politician remotely, anywhere in the world, without them being able to stop me.

    Oh, I see, you are just unhinged.

    E3: I though about it a second more and I blocked you. Partly because I did not want to engage with your dumb ass, but mostly since I figured it would piss you off.