Another traveler of the wireways.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • Thanks for the update! The discussion on private communities is definitely an interesting one. Lots of small details to work out, but I think they’d be a great addition. Sort of surprised there wasn’t already an instance-level default sort setting, but that should be interesting to see if instances experiment with it more.

    Also linking that post reminded me, hopefully somehow a smoother way to link posts across instances can be worked out (albeit that’s a general federation quirk from what I’ve seen, Mastodon runs into similar stuff sometimes).

  • Forums seem to end up being hostile to newcomers, with all this “did you search the forum first you fucking noob?” mentality. Having a living place for real-time questions and discussion just feels better, same way email exchanges feel terrible after using Slack for so long. You can still have incredibly toxic people in real-time chat servers, obviously, but there just seems to be less overall stress to keep the posts in the forum “pristine” or… whatever that was.

    Tbh you can find similar hostility to newcomers in Discord servers, simply swap some words about for a, “Did you read the pins you fucking noob?” mentality. It’s very much the old forum kneejerk response of, “Did you read the rules/stickied posts?” simply in a different context. As you note though, you’ll find assholes in any communication medium.

    Also, to your point about a place for real-time questions & discussion, that’s also to its detriment for anyone out of sync with a server’s more active hours, which I think is kind of an understated argument against it among the usual criticism found in these threads. Sure search is one thing, but the asynchronous nature of a forum is imo one of its greatest strengths, especially considering how flaky and/or inundated Discord’s inbox/mentions can be.

  • Some speculation on my part:

    1. There are other higher priority items for the developers.
    2. It’s open to abuse, even with restrictions, and a restricted guest account may create a bad impression if the restrictions are poorly communicated (and considering some basic features of Lemmy as-is struggle with being communicated, this is a high probability).
    3. Larger/more active servers/communities (depending on implementation) may simply disable the feature altogether or further limit it due to 2.

    Despite what says, 3 (or variations on it) has become more common across some larger/more active Discord servers simply because communities understandably don’t want to deal with drop-in trolls or raids, meaning some of them go so far as to temporarily limit or add small hurdles for people even with accounts.

    You can of course still find many Discord servers that don’t, which is among the reasons it remains so popular, but it’s not as sure of a thing as it was in the past.

  • Probably for similar reasons as to why they moved from Reddit. Also configuring their own instance to approximate a traditional forum would honestly kind of undermine the whole point of using Lemmy or the like to begin with (at least imo).

    I understand the sentiment of wanting them to to make their stuff easier to follow & post to from here and other places in the Fediverse, but from what they wrote, I get the sense that this format simply isn’t what they were ever looking for in terms of fielding discussions/questions. Their move to Reddit was more of a compromise for where they were at with the project at the time, but now that Jellyfin’s more developed in terms of the software and community, a forum is a more workable prospect.