I make things: electronics and software and music and stories and all sorts of other things.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • I agree. We’ve let the standards for what is good drop.

    I think it’s mainly because the “just works” mentality has become infectious among engineers. It’s one thing when just starting out, but as you learn more and gain experience you should care more.

    People do the designing and architecture and programming just because it all pays well, not because they have a love for the craft.

    I think the second, slightly less strong reason is because many engineers do not know how to effectively communicate with management when something will result in terribly written software and just do it anyway. Another skill I see less and less amongst my brethren.

  • This is honestly so frustrating to see bc I’ll still never understand why Python isn’t just statically typed.

    It’s right there in the Zen:

    Explicitness is better than implicitness

    It wouldn’t even have to be less simple as it could still be weakly typed, a la Rust or Haskell, but not as robust.

    You wouldn’t need these extra special tools if the language was just built right!

    Same goes for the try/catch exception system where runtime errors can pop up bc you don’t have to handle exceptions:

    Errors should never pass silently.

    Unless explicitly silenced.

    Python is a good language that could’ve been a great one smh