If the stereotype is to be believed, why is this, do you think? Why would Linux and open source software attract such a disproportionately high number of transfrem individuals?
And would it be causative or is it or non-causative?
I’ve been wanting to get an old book like this and go through the install process of some OG linux just for the learning experience.
Yes, 2015 was a wild year.
You bastard, I’ve been trying to keep on the dl here, but I just can’t resist:
sale offering, release sale
You’ve consumed countless right wing podcasts?
Am I missing something? Are podcasts a partisan thing now?
He has said everything he felt he had to say. One of his last posts was “Everyone on the internet is a loser” and I figure he’s just gone to practice what he preached.
I’m taking the same strategy. I never thought I’d be a classic car person.
TIL jump hosts are an existing concept
I do use ClamAV. Most users just run some sort of daily scan, but this is remedial and not preventative.
In order to truly harness clamav’s potential, you need to configure clamonacc on-access scanning. It passes items off to clamd with lowered privileges and prevents file access through inotify until its realtime scan has cleared.
I wonder sometimes if the advice against pointing DNS records to your own residential IP amounts to a big scare. Like you say, if it’s just a static page served on an up to date and minimal web server, there’s less leverage for an attacker to abuse.
I’ve found that ISPs too often block port 80 and 443. Did you luck out with a decent one?
Yeah no, Windows 11 IS far worse than Windows 10
Yeah no, Windows 10 IS far worse than Windows 8
Yeah no, Windows 8 IS far worse than Windows 7
Perpetual Windows $VERSION_THAT_I_GREW_UP_WITH isn’t bad. No, it’s just this new one that’s terrible.
4GB even.
helenslunch doesn’t know about
sudo !!
I have a few source built packages that I use every day.
Loading up my system with several development libraries to compile a program is preferable to taking a giant dump on my system in the form of soypacks.
Minimum requirements to run
hello world
in Java