You are fortunate that it takes “only” 30 minutes.
It is to their advantage to be act surprised, therefore they are “surprised”, see? This was your “opportunity” to show how dedicated you are the company, having worked all weekend long…
I strongly hesitated saying anything at all b/c there are so very many different rules governing the behavior of every single kind of symbol. Though one jumping off point is the use of the parenthesis, without slashes prior to them and them meaning alternatives within a grouping context rather than merely “remembering”, for the sake of e.g. replacement or copying, so e.g. in the Unix CLI “grep” command this would not work even with the -e parameter (I am not so sure about perl-style though, or rather, this would work within pure perl, but perl-style regexps from within grep is another matter, plus that option itself is not universal across all forms of Unix).
In any case, I hoped that the YoMama joke would be universally understood and appreciated regardless, across all of the many & varied language barriers 😜.
Also matches TakesOutzTheYourMother, since the asterisk allows for zero matches to the group, and there seems no bounding constraints:-).
Sigh… too true.
Why… why is the world like this?
POV: your project manager went in an “cleaned” it all up by removing them - your (sic) welcome! 😜
Better than “rejected - git gud”? :-P
Isn’t this more of a self-pwn, where the mom was not already this way but needed to be forcibly converted into thus? :-P
“I (want to keep my job and therefore I) AGREE WITH YOU 100%”
They collect the big bucks, the rest of us can suck dirt - barely not able to afford a home, food, medical care, etc. Oh wait, sorry, I meant “YES SIR/MAM!”
“Job titles are actually a fluid concept - why feel a strong need to label everything?” :-D
Replaces the older .com format, also compatible with the .bat and .lnk wrappers too.
I can follow along re-typing the same commands told to me by a more senior dev just like any average monkey!
This reminds me of something I made a long time ago:
Since I am calling myself dumb, I estimate my progress to be somewhere perhaps at the 20th percentile marker? :-D One of these days I’ll RTFM and rocket all the way up to be dumb enough to properly qualify for “below average”! :-P
I have only ever used simply “git push”. I feel like this is a “how to say that you barely know how to use git without saying that you barely know how to use git” moment:-D.
I was going to say “in an interpreted language”, but this sounds funnier.:-)
Apparently, ice cream.
There are also several financial institutions named emaqs:-P
And an Employee Management and Compensation System in California:-D.
should be, ftfy :-(