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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 7th, 2023


  • You can hide all of that on your sidebar customization settings, but yeah it’s annoying that it’s turned on by default. The Discover is occasionally useful, but I honestly use Overseerr for discoverability more than I use Plex’s built-in search.

    My biggest complaint with Plex is the lack of support for .m3u8 playlists. I want to be able to give it a list of livestreams, and then tune into those via Plex. Plex obviously already has live-streaming support built in via their Plex channels, but they have actively worked against custom livestream playlists, (it used to be supported via an extension, but they removed extension support.)

  • LLM is great for writing code in small snippets. I’ve used it for quickly writing batch files, for instance. I couldn’t be bothered to look up how to format something obscure. So I use an LLM like ChatGPT to do the bulk work, then I just double check what it gave me.

    I wouldn’t use it for anything over ~100 lines at a time. Just like with long conversations, it will have a tendency to “lose the plot” and start forgetting things that it said early on. Because as things get added to the conversation it has to parse more and more data. So it’ll start to drift off topic as conversations get longer.

    It can also be handy for debugging sections of code. Because programming is just a form of language with strict grammar/diction/spelling rules. And a LLM will be really really good at spotting stupid grammar mistakes. It’ll instantly notice your missing semicolon and point it out to you, which can save you a ton of frustration.

    Just like with any tool, how well it works is entirely up to the user. It will likely progress to the point of being able to manage longer code eventually. But right now it’s still incredibly useful as long as you accept its limitations and work within them.

  • The next generation of script kiddies is going to be iPad babies. It’ll be interesting to see, since the majority can’t use anything in tech unless it’s an app.

    We built computer labs in schools, to teach kids how to use computers. Then we decided computers are ubiquitous enough that we didn’t need computer labs anymore. And now we have an entire generation that doesn’t know how to use computers, because they use their phones and tablets for everything instead.

  • You’re more at risk of damaging the power supply, tbh. If the volts match, you won’t damage the circuits on your device. But amp ratings on power supplies are primarily concerned with heat dissipation. Amps are pulled by the device, not pushed by the supply. So when the device pulls more amps than the supply is rated for, the supply will potentially overheat. Because you’re forcing the supply to provide more power than it is rated for, which is potentially generating more heat than it is rated to dissipate.

    But most decent manufacturers will slightly under-rate their power supplies for safety purposes. So a 3A supply may be capable of dissipating 3.5A (or more) of heat. Best case scenario, the supply gets a little warm. But in the worst case scenario, you melt the supply start a fire.

    Many modern charging solutions (like USB-C and electric vehicle chargers) require devices to perform a “handshake” before power is supplied. This handshake basically has the device and power supply trade business cards, so the device knows how much power the supply is capable of providing, and the charger knows how much power the device will potentially need. And if the handshake fails, then the devices simply fall back to lower amperage “slow” charging. But this is only true for more recent connectors like USB-C. Older connectors (like microUSB) don’t require this. The supply might have a current limiter, but it might not. If it doesn’t, it’ll overheat.

    Worth noting that in some edge cases, the voltage may begin to drop if the supply isn’t able to keep up with the power demands. While it won’t break the device, it could lead to erratic behavior. CPUs don’t typically like being under voltaged, and it can cause errors or crashes if the voltage dips. Turning down your system clock could potentially help avoid these crashes, since a slower system clock will use less power. But this will obviously slow your device down. So it’s a trade-off that you’ll need to consider.

  • Yup. I work in media, and there are a lot of media programs that are Mac exclusive. Even worse, Apple insists on breaking lots of them with every update. So at work, we always have to decline updates for a week or two until all of our programs have a chance to update and unfuck everything Apple did.

    The worst case was when Apple came out with the M1 Mac’s. One of our programs took almost a year and a half to finally get updated to work on M1 processors. And of course, this was right around the time that we were looking into upgrading our Macs, because our existing ones were starting to show their age. So we just had to sit on our hands (and put the funding towards something else) until the mission-critical programs we needed all got their proper updates.

  • The original GameBoy went for ~$90 retail when it first launched, which is worth ~$220 once you adjust for inflation from 1989. All things considered, a $250 price point is about on par with what people are willing to pay for a handheld.

    Especially once you consider the fact that this is a relatively small business commissioning bespoke parts, and not the gaming powerhouse that Nintendo was when they launched the GameBoy; Nintendo was coming fresh off the massive successes of the NES and SNES. Nintendo had way more negotiating power against manufacturers, because they knew that they’d be selling hundreds of thousands of units, not just a few thousand. Manufacturers would be willing to retool entire production lines for Nintendo.

  • Get a laser printer. Cheaper, more reliable, and they don’t have all the built in BS that laser printers have. A big reason so many Windows users have issues is because of the intentional DRM sabotage by the printer manufacturer, to make sure you’re only using approved ink cartridges. But toner is cheap and easy, and the printer manufacturers don’t bother trying to block users from printing.

    But that same DRM sabotage is why Linux has so many issues with printers. And it’s also working from the disadvantage of having to reverse engineer the official drivers to figure out how they work, so they can then be ported over to Linux.

  • Yeah, anybody who says Linux is easy to use has never spent four hours troubleshooting a printer driver, only to discover that the open source driver doesn’t actually support your specific model of printer and you’re going to be forced to boot into Windows to print anything.

    Cross-compatibility is improving, but the “Linux is easy” crowd is really just overcompensating for how unintuitive it actually is. The problem with telling everyone “it’s easy” to get them to try it is that if it’s not easy then people immediately give up and go back to Windows as soon as they can’t figure something out. It’s falsely representing the reality of the situation, which is only self-sabotaging in the long term because it means fewer people will be willing to adopt and actually stick with it.