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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: October 8th, 2023

  • It’s simple:

    Beat the population into learned-helplessness,

    & then all the AI molestingware that the device can run, can be running in it.


    It’s just a conditioning-step, is all.

    The profit is in having the population not have any privacy left, & living only within the neuromarketing-platforms that the mainstream operating-systems are becoming.

    It’s just a step in the suckerpunching humankind, is all.

    _ /\ _

  • I’m suggesting you invest in reading a book on https://www.LeanPub.com called “Algebra-Driven Design”.

    the reason I’m suggesting it is that the complex-requirements you’re being persecuted-by, are exactly the sort of thing that that book can help with.

    ( I’m presuming you code )

    By creating the domain’s algebra, & using meta-programming, you can prevent whole categories of bugs.

    I only got part-way into the book ( I’m braindamaged, & have beenfailing to learn programming since the 1980’s, when I lost 1/10th of my brain-volume ), but being able to create an APi with ZERO bugs in it, is part of what I’d seen in that book.

    I’m a huge believer in keeping requirements divided into dimensions, & keeping those dimensions orthogonal, because once you fail in doing that, you’re fscking doomed.

    Here: got the link for you:


    _ /\ _

  • I’ve tried it, for several languages…

    It seems good, to me, but I’ve learned to invest in the BEST 2-ish recent books on any language I’m trying to learn:

    the difference between average vs GOOD instruction is cliff-like, and I need to understand why things work the way they do.

    ( with 2 different-author books, best I can get, then if 1 author is explaining something in a way I can’t get, then I’ve got a good alternative.

    Better, though, is that if I make myself work through both, then it’s much more likely to stick, see? : )

    I consider Exercism to be a good part of a healthy ( programming-learning ) breakfast!

    : )

    CombinedArms: use EVERY dimension of leverage you can, simultaneously, and more-certainly win, quicker!

    I’m saying this, and I also saying I’ve had to report bugs in their lessons, 1 or 2 times.

    I need Exercism.