Prethoryn Overmind


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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 3rd, 2023

  • Prethoryn Overmind@lemmy.worldtolinuxmemes@lemmy.worldbe root
    10 months ago

    “And you pay for everything you do.”

    I dunno I don’t feel like this applies to just Windows or Mac when you consider Red Hat’s acquisition. Windows is popular because of the powerful tools it provides to manage businesses and it goes it well.

    Shit on Microsoft all you want but the systems work well for businesses. I would charge others too if my product was popular and did what others needed it to do.

    Linux isn’t immune to be used to being made to make money and I really think the Linux community forgets that money talks. Get it in enough businesses and their is potential for someone to charge.

  • Linux skills

    Windows skills

    OSX Skills

    Can all often be requirements of a job.

    I just want to throw it out there that you can use any of these products and learn a terminal. Often times Mac does better with photo editing and programming in terms of handling the load balance.

    Knowing one or the other doesn’t make you any better than the rest.

  • I saw something about dual booting. I know you want to game but start small. Try a virtual machine. They aren’t difficult to setup and there are hundreds of easy tutorials. Get a feel for Linux. See how you feel and then dual boot. When you are comfy then migrate the truth is this community pushed Linux hard and that’s because it is mainly FOSS and it is private or more private rather.

    However, no matter what anyone wants to tell you. Linux absolutely has its quirks and sometimes they get technical. There is a learning curve and some issues can divulge into multiple problems. This kind of thing can be frustrating but shouldn’t stop you from learning and experimenting. I like Linux but I also appreciate that Windows for an average consumer does what it needs to.

    The other thing is there is one OSX and up. There is one Windows version. There is an insane amount of Linux distributions. The easiest to learn are Ubuntu, Linux Mint, and if you want something more lightweight and true to force you to learn then you can just install Debian.

  • It just goes along with the mentality of the Lemmy community. The idea that everything FOSS and what they dictate is not mainstream is better in all ways.

    I made a comment awhile back about how Lemmy users tend to have this r/notlikeothergirls mentality. That they know something the average user doesn’t because they can talk about FOSS, privacy, and security. In reality a lot of users don’t understand how that works at all.

    Privacy here is technically a nightmare. You jump in a server without knowing what data is visible on that server and you are relying on the security of the person/people who is hosting that server.

    There seems to be this idea of, “if I think it’s mainstream it’s just not as good.”

    Truth is Linux is fantastic, Mozilla is also great, open source is also great but it doesn’t mean it is better by default in every way.

    Look at Linux phones vs Android and iOS. Even people dictating privacy are still using modded versions of Android like Graphene OS because it works.

    If you want some of the best Android security on the device physically you go with Pixel. Doesn’t matter how you feel about privacy. Same goes for iPhone.

    Windows may be clunky but it does a lot of things right in regards to security as well. Doesn’t matter how you feel about Windows. Microsoft absolutely takes security of the system and how that security is distributed seriously.

    Linux fantastic if you really want full control of your system and a great way to learn about those systems when you have to fix it if it breaks.

    FOSS is also nice I hope we never lose hold of FOSS but that doesn’t make a paid product terrible either. Take Sync and Jerboa as examples. Jerboa is FOSS and Activity PUB is FOSS and so is Lemmy. But when you compare features and UI. Jerboa is stomped by Sync IMO and I will pay money for something that works really well.

    Anyways I digress.

  • That’s not how it works though? They don’t need to know “who you are,” because with ads you have a unique identifying number. If you are browsing the web and your ads become more catered to you then you are giving data somewhere.

    Privacy is about maintaining as little about yourself as personally possible. That is what gets me about this app. Half the users on here have very little idea how the Internet works. Privacy and security aren’t about going, “I support open source and decentralized software so the big man doesn’t have my data,” but that is not how that works at all. Just because you aren’t giving your data to Mark Zuckerberg and you don’t support Facebook doesn’t mean you aren’t exposing your giving data to someone else.

    I also truly don’t think Lemmy users realize how exposed they are potentially making themselves. Even if the API is free and your app is open source and it isn’t Elon Musk showing you your image of a cat does not mean you are private and secure.

    Lemmy services and instances are hosted on a server and use an API that is open to anyone and everyone that wants to host an instance and community. So instead you are entrusting your data to someone you don’t know on their hardware that you don’t know anything about.

    From a security and privacy point of view Lemmy is a nightmare. Mastadon, etc. Even if your data is encrypted or passed along secure channels and you can migrate your data to some other instances does not mean you are safe. That is not how the law works either. If a national government agency shows up and issues an order for their server data and that data isn’t protected properly by the host well then you are exposed. The people acting like they know something more because you decided to pay for Sync or because you want to use Windows or Google literally no zero fucks about privacy and data.