Kericake🥕 (They(/It))

Also maybe Riikka, or maybe formerly Riikka.
Meep :3
They/Them, also transer than a box of transistors! wiggles transly
Very cute, but also weird and sometimes kinda sharp
Has been rescued…? ominous music plays

  • 0 Posts
Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: November 26th, 2023


  • Finally, my chance to say…

    I use Arch, by the way :D

    …Also, I tried Ubuntu and Mint and Fedora and some others (ages ago). Didn’t like feeling like everything I wanted to do was stepping on the toes of some software that was trying to manage it for me, but not how I wanted or I just didn’t want it managed for me.

    I tend to alternate between Arch and Gentoo every few years. Sometimes Arch feels like it’s making assumptions and doing things its way more than I want, but then Gentoo takes ages to install or update anything, is a bit more fiddly. I’ll probably go back or maybe try out Funtoo again but for now I don’t have a CPU that won’t melt if I try to compile things (laptop-only booooo v.v!!) sooo Arch for now. :3 🤷

  • spoiler

    The article states that Sonny “grooms” Marie to be a housewife but she’s clearly written to want to be. There’s a difference between “look, these games are gross because you the player/player character coerce some poor girl into slaving away at home cooking and cleaning and raising kids for you” and “look, these games are gross because the writers made a character wanna be a tradwife with a job.”

    I had other stuff written but apparently didn’t post any of that. Bleh. Tired now, not gonna agree (nor stop getting silently downvoted, gotta love that) anyway. Off I go ö/

  • Eegh, even in high school (thirty-something Millennial here) I got that. “Woooaaahh, is that code there?!?” “Uhh… it’s an article? It’s in plain English. You know, your own native language? There’s even a class at this school called that. I know you know this because you were in that class last period. What I’m saying is, I don’t understand how the same language you just read out loud an hour ago suddenly looks like arcana on a computer screen.”

    … It’s extra weird because no one ever just happened to go shoulder-surfing when I was actually programming. 🤷