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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 6th, 2023


  • “use the link or cancel the attachment”

    The criteria where you would want to “cancel the attachment” here, is when a link would have been inserted in it’s stead.

    I’m not upset. I am utterly bewildered at how a (presumably) functional adult in 2024 doesn’t understand basic email or how cloud drives work.

    In looking back I realize that you’re one of those people who confuse emphasis with anger. I can’t really help you there. Out of curiosity, are you the type of person that reads a sentence with a period at the end as aggressive in a text message?

    You say something like: “I think we should do x”

    Person replies as: “Ok that should be fine.”

    Do you read the response as aggressive (active or passive)?

  • Nope, I just deal with OneDrive support constantly and I can say definitively that it’s pretty decent at what it does, and if the links you are getting or sending are not working, it is your fault.

    If you want to bitch about something substantive, how about bitching about how 365 has like 20 admin panels that are opaque about what they are and what they do, terrible menu layouts in those menus, etc.

    That stuff is a very real problem.

    Some boomer who can’t figure out how cloud drives work is not a real issue.

  • He also outlines how he cannot; and will not…stop anyone from forking this software and basically removing the payment bits of the code and just redistributing it under a different name. I strongly recommend someone does that…and maybe license that work under a much more unrestrictive free license that FLOSS-Only users might find more palatable.

    This is incorrect. You cannot fork this project. You CAN, however, modify it for your own personal use. You cannot distribute it. Redistribution is specifically what he wants to avoid happening, and that’s why the license is what it is.

  • Obviously I didn’t mean that your email 100% WILL NOT be marked as spam just because spf and domain key are set correctly. My point was that your email won’t be auto-bounced just because it didn’t come from gmail/hotmail/aol/etc. I also was talking about mail servers from web hosting companies, such as inmotionhosting.

  • The author of this post seems to not be super aware of what he is talking about.

    As of 2021 discord has received a TOTAL of $980 million in VC money. Ok that seems like a lot until you look at their year over year revenue:

    From ONLY nitro subscriptions: Year Revenue ($mm) 2016 5 2017 10 2018 30 2019 45 2020 130 2021 200+

    So as of 2021 discord has created $420 million in revenue.

    This isn’t counting anything from 2022 or 2023, because now server boosts are a thing and also discords version of Patreon rewards that server owners can implement (discord takes 30%).

    So while discord isn’t out of the VC hole yet, it’s on a meteoric rise and making more and more money every year.

    Data retention: I never have seen a discord official policy that they don’t delete data ever. I specifically remember a blog post where they outlined deleting data from servers when it reaches a certain age. This was the blog post where they were detailing a database move. I cannot remember specifics. I did some searching about discord policies on deleting attachments and came up with nothing. To my knowledge discord has no policy stating that your attachments will live forever. That said, storage is cheap. Storage is very cheap.

    Morally lazy: Honestly easily when someone says something like this I tend to think that they are probably a blithering idiot who has no idea what they are talking about (in a lot of cases this is true, and usually someone with a chip on their shoulder). In this case after reading the post I have come to some conclusions…

    The author does not use discord much The author does not nor has he ever paid for nitro The author does not nor has ever run a server with actual people on it The author is someone who thinks that matrix is in any way feature comparable with discord (it’s not, not even remotely close)

    The author is weirdly offended by discord referring to servers as “servers”. Because ackshully “a server is, generally speaking, a piece of compute that operates some software that serves users in some way. Each server is isolated from each other server, and they may run a mariad of difference pieces of software. They may be based in different countries.”

    This is the dumbest and most pretentious point possible, and the fact that it’s passed off as a supporting point to the post makes it impossible for me to take the author seriously.

    And then there’s this gem: "Discord is not a financially feasible company. Let us examine some very conservative projected operating costs:

    • 500 SF employees * $150,000/year
    • 50000sqft SF office space
    • 15 billion messages per month * 12 * 830 bytes per message on average"

    So all employees of discord make 150k a year? I’d love to see some supporting evidence there.

    50000sqft office space Do we know how much rent discord is paying? Not to my knowledge

    15 billion messages per month * 12 * 830 bytes per message on average" Storage is cheap.

    A company making upwards of 200 million a year. "Not financially feasible“? In my mind this points to the contrary.