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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: August 28th, 2023


  • Yea, n I unintentionally fked it up here too for one such person. So I was discussing solutions for a problem that I had encountered with my project on Matrix. I didn’t know it then, but I was talking to a trans woman then. Now, I had a habit of “yessirrr”-ing when I was excited. So I found the solution, and in my excited state, I said “yessirrr” somewhere. She immediately corrected me by saying that it was “yes ma’am”. I apologized and explained the situation. I then looked at her bio, and it had the flag and all that. She unfortunately ghosted me after that incident :(.

    So yeah… I’ve tried to have inclusive language n whatnot after that. Cuz uk… U never realise how heteronormative our language is and how not inclusive it is for many many people.

  • Oh, was not aware of this… (It’s also embarrassing considering that I’m a CS student. We haven’t reached the AI credits yet, but still…). Anyway, thank you for the info! And yeah, the buzzwords part does indeed suck! Whenever I tried to learn more about the topic, I was indeed bombarded by the Elon Musk techbro spam on YouTube. But whatever, I don’t have THAT long to get to these credits. Sooo wish me luck ;)

  • AI IS NOT IF ELSE STATEMENTS. AI learns and adapts to its surroundings by learning. It stored this learnt data into “weights” in accordance with its stated goal. This is what “intelligence” refers to.

    Edit: I was wrong lmao. As the commentators below pointed out, “AI” in the context of computer science is a term that has been defined in the industry long before. Where I went wrong was in taking the definition of “intelligence” and slapping “artificial” before it. Therefore while the literal definition might be similar to mine, it is different in CS. Also, @blotz@lemmy.world even provided something called “Expert Systems”, which are a subset of AI that use if-then statements. Soooo yeah… My point doesn’t stand.