You don’t even have to go to the website. Every Mastodon feed can be accessed via RSS. You just have to add “.rss” to the end of the URL.
Founder and lead developer at Overclocked Abacus Games
You don’t even have to go to the website. Every Mastodon feed can be accessed via RSS. You just have to add “.rss” to the end of the URL.
No, it looks like it returns a boolean.
Covered in bees?
Hey, no cursive here, this is a family instance.
You need to upgrade your fibre.
Revolver Ocelot
Frets On Fire solo
No, that’s the lumber store.
Linux 2.6 released in December 2003. Gnome 2.6 released in March of 2004. At that point Linux was truly ready for the desktop and we’ve just spent the last twenty years waiting for the rest of the world to catch up.
Yes, but Windows is normal and therefore all of its myriad problems are just part-and-parcel with using a computer and can be ignored. Linux is not normal, though, so the slightest roadbump is an instant deal-breaker.
It’ll probably be 2025, when adoption hits 5% a few months before Windows 10 support ends. The 5% will make people take Linux more seriously when looking for alternatives to Windows 10, which will increase adoption even more, which will cause hardware and software providers to offer better Linux support, which will just cause the whole thing to snowball.
Finally we can put all the controversy around systemd to rest.
ed is the standard text editor.
Then it just becomes a matter of word definitions.
Listen here, Gandalf, you fat oaf! I’m not a fucking Jedi!
The word ‘code’ has many different definitions. The shaolin martial arts tournament is governed by a system of rules of conduct
…an ethical code.The combatants respect each other as warriors, no matter what degree of hatred they have for one another
…a code of honor.Another type of code could be defined as an arbitrary system of symbols or letters for transmitting messages
…a secret code.Mortal Kombat™ adheres to many codes, but does it contain one?
No Homers.
Before January 1, 1970?