If reacting to something always makes it more likely to occur, you have just made reacting to things Elon Musk says more likely to occur.
If reacting to something always makes it more likely to occur, you have just made reacting to things Elon Musk says more likely to occur.
Contrary to the meme, it’s probably very quiet, if they keep the RPMs low and the fans are arranged correctly
What is this? I’m going to be lazy and not search for it because DSL already has multiple meanings which overlap with Linux
Yeah, if it’s unstable, they’re probably holding it wrong
I’ve been getting ads like these for years on my ubuntu server.
n additional security updates can be applied with ESM Apps.
Learn more about enabling ESM Apps service at https://ubuntu.com/esm
This is on a machine running 20.04. Never bothered me. All my other machines are Debian now, and at some point I’ll switch that one too.
Gotta admit, I’m impressed. You’ve actually made me want to defend the anti-systemd crowd. Just take the W, you don’t have to rub it in.
I’m curious if there’s any quantitative evidence to show this.
Marrying Linux nerds never goes wrong