• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 19th, 2023


  • Typical issue of the corportate programming world being a hivemind. Just because many big tech companies use it you can’t blindly implement it for your 5 developer team.

    And it for sure has its usecases - like if you run something with constant load swings that does n’t need to be 100 percent accurate like Youtube it makes sense. You can have a service for searches, comments, transcoding, recommendations, … which all scale independently trading in some accuracy. Like when you post a comment another person doesn’t need to see it within 1 second on another comment service instance.

  • I mean thats one of the big points of python and why you wanna use it in the first place.

    I personally don’t main python but to me this all seems like a effort to retrofit the language for use in large enterprise and web applications, something for which it honestly never should have been used this heavily in the first place. I guess the state of the world 10 years ago let to it, with .NET not officially being multiplat, Java being Java and Rust, Kotlin and Go being in their infancy.

    To me Python always was a cool language to write small scripts to automate certain things. Something a single developer writes with < 10K LoC. Where than you can achieve the same thing with way less code and less hastle like setting up a seperate build tool

    If your gonna go heavy on typing and error handling but don’t want the complexity of a compiled language just use a .NET or JVM lang, honestly. They are fundamentally built around strong typing and use that information for much better performance and developer experience.

    Or if you just want THE most flexible typesystem where you can specify types as broad or specific as possible typescript takes the cake.

  • I don’t know if these are uncommon but I have a few cool usecases besides the regular 1:1 folder syncing, maybe someone else finds them useful.

    Also you should know that the way I have all of this setup is that I have a container that hosts a bunch of SMB Network drives and a syncthing container that stores all of the fodlers on that drive. Having them also easily accessible through smb is great when I just wanna quickly copy something or back the folders up.

    So here are some of my maybe unorthodoz usecases :

    • Music - As a fan of offline music, I have it setup that music I acquire gets synced onto the server and re-encoded as opus through a script into a second folder which then through syncthing gets sent out my mobile devices. There I rather have smaller files than lossless quality. Said script also sorts the music into folders based on artist and album metadata.
    • I also sync my Newpipe Subscriptions between phones (unfortunately by manually exporting my settings and re-importing them)

    I also used to have a setup that would sync Minecraft Bedrock and Stardew Valley saves between devices (where Windows and Android saves are compatible) but Android 11 introduced a stupid restriction that prevents synching from accessing the the saves are located on Android.