Just being supported as a protocol doesn’t mean everything is done. Chromium probably didn’t have it until years after that, and operating systems may not have implemented it umtil more recently.
Just being supported as a protocol doesn’t mean everything is done. Chromium probably didn’t have it until years after that, and operating systems may not have implemented it umtil more recently.
Screen sharing infrastructure (for Wayland) in Linux was still in development recently. Maybe they just wanted to be able to use newer APIs?
Most of the lowercase abbreviations are just the names of device drivers or platforms. VK is just Vulkan, GL is OpenGL, ARB is “Architecture Review Board” as its sort of a preview or extension feature I think. EXT presumably for extension. KHR is Khronos, the organization that creates the Vulkan and OpenGL standards, and the acronym apparently means it’s “Khronos-approved”. https://registry.khronos.org/vulkan/specs/1.1-extensions/html/vkspec.html#extensions
Thanks for the additional info.