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Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: May 2nd, 2024


  • “AI” is great for first drafts/seeing a different wording, and automating very tedious crap. For instance, I really like taking proposals I write, dropping them into ChatGPT and saying “write me a 200 word executive summary,” then taking whatever it spits out to start making my own.

    “Co-pilot” is a great way of thinking about it. I have no idea if that actual product is any good, but I know when I started thinking of AI tools as kind of a copilot of sorts, it made a lot more sense to me. It illustrates the limitations as well. Though I’d say more it’s more accurately “assistant to the pilot.” If you take me out of the seat, it can’t drive the vehicle and everyone will be upset with the results

    Too many companies are falling for the loudest marketing in the room when it comes to AI. They see a shiny, perfectly curated demo and go “huh that seems neat we should do it” regardless of its relevance. They’re looking for shiny features and add-ons. What they should be thinking about is the very tedious, particularly manual tasks that eat up an inordinate amount of their time on a weekly basis. The AI solutions they should be looking for are ones that reduced or eliminate those tasks.

    AI can be very useful at saving time. Too many people are using it as a solution in search of a problem. I think the best application for AI involve our day-to-day work, not consumer facing solutions.

  • Dude I had a bunch of people tell me to install mint OS on an older intel MacBook Pro and no one told me that out the box your Wi-Fi doesn’t work, the keyboard doesn’t light up, the touch bar doesn’t work, etc. lol

    I don’t even like the Touch Bar but I need F keys so…

    Then when I asked what to do they all said “well that’s your fault for using a Mac.” Most unhelpful shit ever. One guy said “well use an external keyboard and Ethernet chord then. I’m on a tower what’s the issue here?”

    It’s a laptop. Sometimes I move around with it. I travel a fair bit too.

    Idk honestly it’s not just a Linux thing. Any technical community you’ll often find a lot of people who hand wave away very reasonable issues instead of either suggesting a solution or, I don’t know, just not saying anything? Like they have to chime in and call you a whiner.