“do it again, I wasn’t looking”

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 25th, 2023


  • If it wasn’t obvious that the Debian box is a parody, here’s what the Japanese Chinese text along the top reads on each box:

    Please read the instructions carefully and use it under the guidance of a physician. It is strictly prohibited to be used in food and feed processing.

    Please read the installation instructions carefully and use it under the guidance of the administrator. It is strictly prohibited to use for server installation.

    so yes, the title is correct-- this is not a coincidence, the Debian box was made explicitly for this joke

    edit: thanks for the correction folks, honestly thought it looked more like Japanese than Chinese at first glance and I am obviously not an expert in either. Appreciate the call-out, very deserved.

  • You know what’s ironic about all this is, as someone who has seen game dev pitches (not good ones), they arguably had their shit together more than most aspiring game devs. Looking back at the skeletals, ya know they actually may have had a chance of getting somewhere. They knew absolutely nothing about the technical side, but hardly any game devs actually do. They probably still stand a better chance today of developing this than some game studios asset-mashing in Unity or Unreal. That’s the true state of game dev.

  • Red Hat

    No, you’re angry at IBM. When news of the IBM acquisition broke, sector veteran colleagues I’m close with moaned and groaned that IBM was sure to do something to piss everyone off again, which was apparently their habit a couple decades back. Sure enough, they could not have been more accurate in their assessment.

    Turns out IBM is three hot messes in a trenchcoat and always has been. Hence why they have already lost the Quantum wars and likely the GenAI wars as well. One AI vet I know says they’re posed to even lose the AI war altogether, which is pathetic given the groundwork provided by Watson alone.

  • deep inhale


    It is a translation layer. All it’s doing is intercepting syscalls embedded in the executable process by presenting what looks like an interface for the kernel it is trying to call, but is actually a translation layer to the true host kernel, mapping the Windows syscalls to their near-equivalent for the Linux kernel. This differs from emulation as the calls are being translated at a higher level whereas emulators translate the low level machine code sent to the processor.

    So Proton and Wine essentially just pretend to be the core Windows processes and services a Windows environment provides to applications. It’s a Windows interface to a Linux kernel on the backend. And virtually every syscall on Linux will always be faster than on Windows/NT. So you get faster syscall responses with a neglible and wholly insubstantial added overhead that I would reckon is hard to quantify because it is in fact so damn small that the only way I can think of to observe it is to attach a debugger, which slows down the application process notably so that human’s can peer into the execution stack.

    TL;DR: no, Windows applications have theoretically been faster on Linux than they ever were on Windows since Wine’s inception.

  • That’s Linus of LTT in the top

    “WhY iS pAcKaGe MaNaGeMeNt So HaRd” my brother in Christ you got one broken Deb that was packaged and provided for free by someone other than the vendor, the vendor provides their own installer you could have used that wouldn’t have had the issue. You could have also used a flatpak. You were literally offered three ways to install the software on any operating system you could choose, and you gave up after the marginally simplest one failed and you were too lazy to troubleshoot it.

    The donkey doesn’t even know the first thing about package management or any part of the build process, and has no right whatsoever to talk about it as if the maintainers of the stack are to blame.

    /rant fuck that self-absorbed short stack sponge

  • I now have the urge to make cis some sort of required argument for building a project, and make it so deeply embedded in the build pipeline that removing it would require a refactor. Just because I know there is a (hopefully) tiny percentage of people out there that may get offended by it, and I don’t have any desire to work with people who get that worked up.

    I already intentionally include f-bombs in some of my code comments (to myself) in preparation for the day that someone complains about cursing. My code is meant for reasonable adults, not delicate babies (and I don’t expect any Einstein babies to be submitting PRs, though they’d probably have a higher chance of merge than others…)