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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 26th, 2023


  • I respectfully disagree. Vim is an excellent editor and is the centerpiece of my dev tools. Counting out the newer features in Neovim like language server and treesitter support, traditional Vim is still a powerful modal text editor with robust features like text objects, macros, sed-like search and replace, rich syntax highlighting, code folding, online help, endless customizability through scripting, and multiple ways to exit. It is an acquired taste though, and I understand it’s not for everyone.

  • If we keep doubling, will I eventually be a person on the tracks? There are a finite number of people, so eventually I would be, right? So, passing the buck would be equivalent to handing my fate to a stranger.

    OTOH, if there are an infinite number of people, then this thought experiment is creating people out of thin air. Do these imaginary people’s rhetorical lives even matter?

    Either way, it seems better to kill 1 person at the start.

  • Many years ago I ran Gentoo as well. Switching to Arch was a considerable upgrade. I admit I’ve been running Ubuntu since Lucid (aside a brief stint of Fedora). It’s nice that things mostly just work. It allows me to focus on life and not wifi drivers. Man, that sounds like such a cop out.

    Anyhow, there’s part of me that would love to play with those cosmic distros again some day.