Sarcastic bitch with a wine problem

  • 2 Posts
Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: June 18th, 2024

  • The Usenet post I linked to claims it’s originally from the 1st quarter of 1990, but who knows if that’s accurate or not. I actually can’t find a good source for whether Stumpf is the original author or just the one who posted it to rec.humor.funny.reruns, but it’s usually attributed to him at any rate.

    But yeah, fairly ancient by internet standards. I remember first running into it in the 90’s

  • Oh I’m barely a Julia programmer 😅 I learned it a couple of years ago just to check it out, started writing a personal project with it but got a bit irritated with how interfaces are defined informally and you have to dig through documentation to find out the methods you need to implement, and then just sort of drifted away. Will definitely use it in the future for eg. some signal analysis thingamajigs and so on though, it was a fun language to use with notebooks.

    I usually prefer type systems that make me beg for mercy, heh.

  • Yeeeaaah you’re supposed to regularly test that you can actually restore your backups, because boy do a lot of companies find out they can’t only after shit goes sideways and to their horror they then realize that they can’t restore some system’s backups because reasons.

    Not sure I’ve worked in a company that did that, and frankly even when I was CTO in a startup we didn’t have automated backup tests – mostly because it was still early days and I just manually tested restoring our in-house service when a change was made that would warrant it. N + 1 other things to do besides automating backup tests so I deemed that Good Enough™.

  • That said, it’s wonderfully cathartic.

    Right‽ This was seriously the best rant I’ve read in ages; not only was it spot on, it was fucking hilarious.

    This has to be the best way I’ve seen anyone describe what the problem with the current AI woo-woo is:

    And then some absolute son of a bitch created ChatGPT, and now look at us. Look at us, resplendent in our pauper’s robes, stitched from corpulent greed and breathless credulity, spending half of the planet’s engineering efforts to add chatbot support to every application under the sun when half of the industry hasn’t worked out how to test database backups regularly. This is why I have to visit untold violence upon the next moron to propose that AI is the future of the business - not because this is impossible in principle, but because they are now indistinguishable from a hundred million willful fucking idiots.