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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • not reading that essay (/s)

    It’s strange. The man pages contain everything you need to know and even examples ready to use. But people would rather try and fail several times. I wonder what inner motivation makes someone have this kind of process. Is there a reward when you manage to make it work through erring? Psychologists, do you know?

  • Some people, many people, they say, you know a lot of people say it, they say that your distro is shit. Now, what, and you know it’s true because a lot of people, the best people, they say that you have many driver incompatibilities. I know everything about drivers and it’s true that your drivers, you know, they are shit too. I used to know Linus Torvalds, I didn’t care for him, but he always said to me “you know drolex, zurohki’s drivers, they are not compatible at all”. And that’s the truth. And your kernel is outdated. Absolutely obsolete. I know it, you know it. Now my distro, everyone knows, everybody says all the time, my distro is the best distro. The best experts, and I know a lot because I am the expert on distros, well, they all say my distro is the best no money can buy. It’s absolutely true! And it has everything for the best distro: terminal commanding, crontabber, vim thingy, you can go ls and have all the information on the files. And even the folders. It’s terrific. That’s what a good distro is all about and a lot of people say my distro has it all.

  • Haha my distro is so obscure, you wouldn’t have heard of it! It wasn’t even on the dark web! I had to compile the server OS that hosts its .iso files. I had to modify its crontab with vim commands so bizarre, they are banned in 17 countries. You think your distro is good? Mine took 83 days to compile in code-golfing languages and had so many kernel dependencies, it is literally an unusable pile of shite. Trying to make it work, I have reached levels of rage most Linux aficionados could only dream of!