Many libraries that work efficiently in Python are calling a lower level language anyway. But I’m told that much of the efficiency of mamba has been ported to conda so it seems they did eventually care.
I could very well be incorrect about the separation of Anaconda Inc and Conda, but it seems like it from the statements I read. Unfortunately I can’t seem to find them again.
As far as I can tell is run independently of Anaconda. Anaconda uses the projects built and developed by the Conda Community. It seems that some employees of Anaconda are paid to work on Conda community projects. But that seems to be the extent of the relationship.
I don’t like or use Anaconda. It’s the definition of bloat and I’m not sure what their value proposition is. Installing and running Conda (or Mamba) is easy to do without installing or using Anaconda. In fact, it’s the recommended method for installing Mamba.
So the determination is whether the entire instance is spam or not?
Can you dumb this down for me? How is this supposed to help?
The governance section on the Conda Organization git hub maks it clear that the Conda Organization is independent. The Steering Council serves as a board of directors which must have at least 9 members and no more than 2 can have a financial relationship from the same source (so Anaconda Inc can only have at most 2 of 9 members on the Council).
This wasn’t what I read before but seems more conclusive.