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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • Seconding (thirding) logseq! Your daily journals all show up in one long scrollable page (delimited by the date and such) so you can easily see what happened previous days, etc. If you click one it brings up that page in full screen if you want to focus on it, it works very nicely imo.

    You also aren’t limited to just journaling, you can use it for a pkm system. Say that you journal for that day about learning something, you can do this:

    • Today I looked into [[eulers_formula]] ** Created by Leonard Euler ** e^(ix) = cos(x) + i sin(x) ** Etc

    When you go to the eulers_formula page, all of that info will be in the links section without having to leave the page. I personally do all that, then write my own summary of the info on the page itself, so I have the original content and my take on it.

    It’s also fully foss, you can pay for their sync service to have it available on multiple devices all the time and it’s fully encrypted in transit so they can’t see your info, I personally just use syncthing and haven’t run into any issues using it on my phone and computer unless you try to modify the same file at the same time (which isn’t really something you would ever do)

  • Ricing came from the term rice-rocket from Japanese car enthusiasts which referred to the mods for their cars (physical mods, paint, stickers, etc). Transformed into rice/ricing eventually just because terms tend to shorten, and eventually jumped to other circles.

    I usually think of a theme as a widely distributed/standardized set of appearances that anyone can load and use while a rice is customized and unique to that person

  • On one hand, yes. On the other hand, you don’t need all the keybinds, just remember the useful ones!

    Want to delete a single word? Esc to enter command mode, d i w to delete the word you’re on, I to begin typing again.
    Everything between two of any char, usually parenthesis or quotes? Same process but d i {char} so something like “what are (you doing senpai)” can be made “what are ()” with just a few very quick keystrokes.
    Delete to end of line? D.
    Copy a whole line? yy (or Y for the rest of the line after cursor). Any time you do dd to delete a full line (or D for the rest of the line, or any other delete action) the contents are also copied so you can paste them again somewhere else.

    Can you do anything with vim that you can’t do with a GUI + moise? Technically no - but with vim you can do things significantly faster. There is an initial learning curve to get used to basic keybinds and the 2 modes, but it’s well worth it, and not using the mouse is intoxicatingly faster and more fun.

    I highly recommend doom emacs over vanilla vim- all the power of emacs, but with vim keybinds and a lot of other QOL features. There isn’t much that isn’t already built into vanilla emacs, much less doom emacs, and even less that can’t be added with some packages that you can install from in the app. Web browser? Eww, and you even can use your vim keybinds in it. Doesn’t render everything great graphics wise, but it’s perfect for looking up documentation if you’re lazy. Email? Built in baby. Git? Magit. Notes? Embrace the one true note format, org files and org-roam. File explorer? Dired right in baby. Terminal? Space + o + {t, T} for a terminal in its own buffer for all your terminal pleasures.

    I also always install neovim as a backup, it was my favorite vim client for a while. It’s useful to be able to use it for basic editing if I’m already trolling around in a terminal such as quick edits to docker-compose files before rerunning them

  • In terms of electricity consumption, it’s still not going to be huge, just was noted in case you wanted to go smaller. You can almost certainly go smaller, but at the same time if you already have the hardware it’s not going to be useful to sell it second hand and buy new hardware that has less performance.

    Hosting static websites at home is fine if you really want to, but for anything dynamic and/or that will have a lot of users, get a vps (basically a server that you pay for storage and compute resources on and can use remotely how you like, including hosting stuff like mastodon and lemmy instances)

  • I’m happy to help if anyone needs help with docker and/or Linux stuff. (I’ll probably try to convert you to Linux, the os to rule them all. You’ve been warned) Wont necessarily be everything or set it all up for you, but enough knowledge to get you started and able to learn more yourself is doable

    For op, that setup is likely overkill, most stuff will use more ram than cpu and very few self hosted apps will use the GPU at all (Plex and jellyfin are the only ones that come to mind). Only hurt to it being overkill is a higher power usage than a smaller setup, but if you already have it running full time then it’s unlikely to make a different

  • As much as I like fully self hosting, I ended up paying for Plex lifetime and have it running in docker. It was $120, but has already paid for itself twice over since I managed to convince my wife to drop hbo max, Netflix, and a couple others. She isn’t technical at all so she was hesitant, but she likes plex. If she can’t find what she wants to watch on our few streaming services (paid for by our cell provider, otherwise they’d be cancelled too), she can add it to the watchlist on Plex and radarr or sonarr will download it automatically and make it available on plex pretty quickly (or she’ll tell me to get it and let her know when it’s done).

    I could open my Plex server to more family or friends, but most of them either pirate stuff themselves or are fine with paying for streaming services for the ease of use.