mailbox.org user for 3 years, love it
mailbox.org user for 3 years, love it
runit entering the chat
not exactly what you are looking for, but practical networking helped me understand the networking basics for my cs degree.
why so negative?
with 10 people it would be 14 min.
but if you think your time is too valuable for this, just move along. no need to discourage op for beeing creative or god forbid, giving back to the community on their way.
in the time writing your comment, you could have placed 2 px and made it easier for the community to archive their goal. but no, you choosed to be negative, why?
my void + kde 5 is using less ram.
good point
but octoprint was more of an example. not the best, for sure
krita: am i a joke to you?
that looks promising.
guess i’ll take a look at caddy.
thank you very much.
wtf is this layout?
opensuse tumbleweed
neo(n orange)vim
that’s the moment you’re supposed to change distro.
I vote for 60 day lease time, iirc the clients try to get a new lease when half of the time is over, so they can keep the ip.
with loops the fediverse is going full circle, huh?