Wait is he still on the Azure Performance team?
Wait is he still on the Azure Performance team?
Thanks, will take a look.
Are any of these solutions able to be used via an AppleTV?
Some poor soul is going to take this to the bank and have a horrible day. You could have at least told them to use the -p flag to protect any critical system files from being removed.
My biggest reason for moving off Notion (and to Obsidian) was lack of offline availability. This has left me in a bind multiple times.
A warning to those that haven’t looked at this list…. It’s a time vacuum. A “few minutes” of browsing it will translate to hours lost and family members on the verge of reporting you as missing.
Thanks for the insight!
Is it possible for the scans to be stored as files that are readable should paperless crash and I’m not around to get it up and running, or are files stored as weird non-standard file formats?
edit: looks like scans are saved as pdf’s. Thanks for the insight!
deleted by creator
Similar story, except the misses randomly messaged me in AOL Instant Messanger. Lived 3k miles apart. That was 20+ years ago. Good times.
If you want to self-host, Vikunja is a pretty good replacement for Trello.
Immich is rapidly growing into the closest solution for replacing google photos. It’s not fully there yet, but there is very active development going on and it’s advancing quickly.
Another thumbs up for Vikunja. Even approved by the wife! Note that integration with Apple reminders is not working currently and there doesn’t seem to be a solution.
Sons is mostly playing Valorant right now on Windows 11. I’m an old dude familiar with FreeBSD, and Debian. No clue about running games and stuff though. Would he be able to switch?
edit: thanks for the insight. Sounds like a no-go for now until anti-cheat stuff is supported outside windows.