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Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: December 2nd, 2023


  • Bluetooth and WiFi never turns back on unless you’re doing it from the control center

    Interesting. still annoying tho especially with the whole Flipper Zero shenanigans.

    The last article I get but the analytics being reenabled was a bug right?

    ehhh? I have no idea how a bug like that happens, it could be my paranoia watching these huge companies play with their consumers that way to not believe it was a bug, but if you read the whole article that “bug” didn’t happen to everyone’s iPhone and Apple responded saying they were “investigating” the issue but never really commented on it afterwards.

    I recently went nuclear on Microsoft’s privacy team for constantly emailing me promotions despite being unsubscribed to everything.

    is that even legal??

  • not sure why this is getting downvoted, this has happened before and even happens on Apple devices where they just re-enable privacy settings you disabled or whatever else the fuck they want like, idk, bluetooth.

    also Microsoft “may” block you from updating your system if its unable to reinstall edge like holy shite

    Note for Windows users who uninstalled system apps using previous version If you used privacy.sexy (v0.12.6 or v0.12.7) to delete system apps, please follow these steps to avoid potential issues with Windows Updates: Open Command Prompt (Start Menu ➜ type “cmd” ➜ select “Command Prompt”). Copy and paste the following command: PowerShell -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Command “Remove-Item -Path ‘HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Appx\AppxAllUserStore\EndOfLife*’ -Force -Verbose” Press Enter. This action ensures that there are no side effects related to Windows Updates, since Microsoft may block updates if it is unable to reinstall Edge.

  • I completely understand that with windows, especially with hibernation like what the fuck is “windows modern standby”

    but with Linux, it depends on the distro you use.

    if you’re using something such as Pop_OS, I can pretty much guarantee you you’re never going to run into a power management issue or even a driver issue for that matter since its based off of Ubuntu and is very well supported.