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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • I got pulled into a meeting with a team from AWS. I was told they were looking to implement a new solution, so I had to explain in detail how our data lake and data warehouse solution worked. I showed them how we pull data from all these different sources, how we have different integration patterns, etc.

    At the end of my presentation, I asked “does that give you what you guys need? Or do I need to go into any more detail about anything specific? I don’t know what you all are actually building, so I’d be happy to provide more detail where you need it.”

    Their response was “yeah that was all great info. We’re looking to build an app using AI and ML that allows you to run the business with a click of a button.”

    I’m glad it was a remote meeting without cameras, because I literally face palmed. They didn’t have an actual use case or problem they were trying to solve. They were literally just selling a solution built on AI and ML. They didn’t know what it was gonna do, but by God they were committed to selling it.

  • The problem I ran into was the response returned a JSON body, but then had an “error” attribute that was returned in it that had the error details. So we were parsing the JSON and loading elements into our database. We were hitting the API passing in a datetime of when the last success job was run, so basically saying “give me everything that’s changed since I last called you.”

    So yeah, eventually we noticed we were missing small chunks of data. It turned out that every time the API errored out, we’d get a valid JSON response that contained the error message, but it didn’t have the attributes we were looking for. So didn’t load anything, but updated our timestamp to say when our last successful call was.

    Huge pain in the ass to troubleshoot, because the missing data was scattered with no distinguiable pattern.

  • I just discovered that while the ServiceNow APIs return all times in UTC, they use the user’s default time for all times passed in as a parameter.

    So if your account is set up in PDT and you say “give me this item that I just created”, it will say “here your item, this was created at 17:00”.

    But if you say, “cool let me see all items created in the last hour, so anything greater than 16:00”, then it will respond “got nothing for ya, chief.”

  • The major problem with reddit is that you could never really trust the credentials of the person you were talking to. They might have been PhDs or they might have been 13 year olds who just learned to Google. It amazes me how many times I saw a highly upvoted comment posted about a subject that I knew a lot about, but was just so blatantly wrong.