They were heavily panned for that back then. My image of Ubuntu of that time is heavily associated with their Unity desktop which they latter dropped(only for it to spring up again).
They were heavily panned for that back then. My image of Ubuntu of that time is heavily associated with their Unity desktop which they latter dropped(only for it to spring up again).
I thought - - no-preserve root also needed to be added as an argument for self destruct to completely work.
Some internet banking sites give access after only asking for login password. They will only ask for transaction password and OTP (that will only come on phone) later on. Asking for two passwords isn’t necessarily more secure since many people will just reuse their original one again. And OTP instead of offering something like hardware security key is insane.
That site has a wealth of stuff on emacs. Today I got to know the origin of emacs Ctrl and Meta keybindings and whatever occult means it takes to redo a thing in emacs.
Yes, it made Ubuntu standout with its own home brewn DE.