The catarrhine who invented a perpetual motion machine, by dreaming at night and devouring its own dreams through the day.

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Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: January 12th, 2024


  • [Off-topic] As I was reading the comments from a related thread, I noticed that the comments there can be tagged by the community. (See Alfman’s comment, being tagged as “verbose”). That would be an amazing feature here in the Fediverse forums/link-sharers.

    [On-topic] I wonder if Mozilla was buying time to retract its staff from Russia? Even if not, I respect their ability to revert a decision in a transparent way, and apologise to the community without sounding like a corporate “apology”. It shows that they actually care about the principles that they’re babbling about, even if they violated them with the temporary removal.

  • I got the same issue months ago, with Mint. I have a script to switch audio outputs, and it stopped working after… apt upgrade! Apparently what used to be called “hdmi-stereo” is now “hdmi-stereo-extra1”, no idea why.

    In the case of my script, once I got what was going on, I solved it with a simple “if” statement:

    if [[ $(pactl list sinks | grep extra) == "" ]]
      then declare -g mainProfile="hdmi-stereo"
      else declare -g mainProfile="hdmi-stereo-extra1"

    (My system uses pulseaudio. Don’t ask me why. I’m not touching it with a 3m pole.)

  • I think that adding voice acting to older games, as in the proof of concept, is a bad idea. Players already have mental “images” on how characters are supposed to sound like, so there’s a high chance that even good voice acting would rub them off the wrong way.

    The picture changes for newer games - like, it would be possible to develop new GBA games to use with an emulator. Then voice acting becomes a matter of cost vs. benefit - good quality voice acting tends to be expensive, but it makes wonders for immersion; while poor quality voice acting would probably make a game worse.

    Just my two cents.

  • You’re being utterly bizarre and seem to have confused the word trope to mean TV trope.

    Emphasis mine. For the third and last time,

    stop assuming = making shit up

    No, I am not confusing tropes with TV Tropes; I’ve linked TVTropes because it’s a good resource to talk about tropes, a subject that YOU introduced through your idiotic “but bully tropes lol haha” reasoning, and it shows two things:

    • why your reasoning is garbage (link to Kick the Dog trope)
    • why fiction in general is not a reliable way to talk about reality (link to Reality is Unrealistic trope)

    You’re inadvertently proving why people like Torvalds chew some individuals out: because they don’t learn with the carrot, you need to metaphorically bash their skulls with a 3m large stick, and unless you use the stick they’ll keep doing the same sort of stupid shit over and over and over. Such as “i dun need to unrurrstand wut dis function does X-D I assooome its fine here lol!!@one lmao!11”, or “I dunno things about ppl on teh inrurrnet but I can assooooome lol”.

    At least you’re wasting the time of a nobody in Lemmy with your stupidity… or rather you were, as not even the nobody is willing to waste any time further with your blatant irrationality.

    [If anyone else actually bothered to read what that assumer above wrote, and noticed something that is not completely garbage, feel free to point out.]

  • yep, bully tropes are based on real life bullies

    Fiction cannot be used to gauge reality because what matters in fiction is not truth value, it’s entertainment value.

    That’s doubly true for villain tropes (bullies are typically villains), since villains are usually assigned a lot of “random” behaviour, for no reason but to make their defeat extra cathartic.

    If you want to actually argue that what Torvalds is doing is bully behaviour, you got to do it another way, because what you’re doing now is as bloody stupid as confusing porn with real life sex.

    I’m not assuming anything, I’m telling you how you come across

    Yes, you are being an assumer. And now a liar, too. I wasn’t born yesterday, and I can easily see the implicature being conveyed by your “lol u sound liek”.

    why are you getting all butt hurt

    And now you’re being an assumer again. Worse: being an assumer towards things that you cannot reliably know, such as the emotional state of someone on the internet.

    Stop wasting my time with off-topic shit that you make up. Unless you want both of us playing this game.

  • People the can’t get their point across/accepted without belittling other people always come across as pretty insecure to me. “Do as I say or I’ll shit all over you in front of everyone”. It’s like every bully trope ever.

    We’re talking about real life, not fiction tropes.

    Yeah you sound like one

    Stick to the topic instead of assuming (making shit up) about whoever you’re disagreeing with. The topic is Torvalds, not some muppet with a chimp avatar.

  • Heaven help the community if “flawed & inefficient”, “poor practice…pattern” aren’t direct enough feedback!

    This was not directed towards the Linux community. It was directed towards a Google engineer. The community is the ones that you’re indirectly proposing that deserve worse software for the sake of that part of Google’s corporation.

    And “worse” is not just a matter of “oh, I got a kernel panic. Damn. Reboot.” It’s actually serious shit; that kernel code will end being used in things from medical applications to sending Ingenuity to Mars. Worse code might literally mean “we detected your cancer too late, last time you were here the MRI wasn’t working”.

    He is not even getting personal in this case dammit. I concede that getting personal (he does it sometimes) would be over-the-topic, but in this case he’s insulting the code, not the person.

    Linus’s style being an outlier suggests polite criticism is enough to make the world turn.

    Torvalds’ style is an outlier but so is the kernel. And the kernel being an outlier suggests that harsh criticism actually works.

    Most of our [we = human beings, including you and me] production is garbage, even if acknowledging this offends our sensibilities.

    It’s almost like you guys [you + people across this thread] want to believe that only the carrot is effective. The stick is also effective, even if you don’t want to believe that it is.

    I think you could even simply replace capslock GARBAGE with capslock [FUNDAMENTALLY] FLAWED, leave the “AGAIN”, and it’d be OK if harsh.

    Dunno if you noticed, but this is actually ruder in hindsight.

    • Torvalds’ approach: “your code is garbage.”
    • Your approach: “your code is garbage but since you’re a fragile little piece of junk I can’t tell you that directly, I got to mince some words.”

    And odds are that, if he did it the way that you’re proposing, people would complain again that he’s being rude, and expect him to mince words even further.

    Glad he did some teaching after the flaming in any case.

    He did it before, during, and after bashing Rostedt.

  • There’s many ways to point out the issues with the patch without being a jerk.

    Yes, if you don’t mind pointing out again those exact same issues again, because the same person (or potentially someone else) did the same mistake again, as they failed to understand the gravity of the issue again. And again, again, again.

    …or alternatively you give the person a good smacking. That’s what Torvalds did, while pointing out those issues again. Carrot and stick

    maybe there could’ve been more useful conversations about the concerns (re: tar) that were brought up in the previous message.

    Likely not - that tar example was brought to highlight that Torvalds’ suggestion would cause a regression; that’s it. The discussion itself reached a dead end, the solution wouldn’t be to keep the conversation about that, but someone submitting a patch that would neither cause said regression nor misuse the VSF functions.