Here is the link:
Each blog has an RSS icon right next to its title if you open its home page. This icon is also a link to the feed.
Here is the link:
Each blog has an RSS icon right next to its title if you open its home page. This icon is also a link to the feed.
KDE update day is a happy day
A paper with “It’s Kase, not case, fools!” written on it.
And how do you intend to implement that filtration? Will you hire a bunch of moderators and testers for KDE, or a team of developers to automate the task?
Weblate is great, you can translate strings of text during 5 minute breaks
Why is it KDE Eco and not Eko? Truly a missed opportunity
I’m a poor student living in a poor country. I’m contributing with telemetry and bug reports instead. I’ve thought about helping with development, but they seem to mostly need C++ developers and I don’t happen to be one, unfortunately.
Unrelated to the issue, but related to the last paragraph: have you tried installing XWayland?
If you love KDE and Arch, turn the telemetry on to help development.
For KDE, you should look for it in the general settings and sometimes in the settings of particular apps. For Arch, you only have to install the pkgstats package.
I was talking about scrolling when using a touchpad or touch interface. Scrollbars are different, of course and shouldn’t be inverted.
I don’t understand people who don’t use inverted scrolling. That’s just so counter-intuitive.
It’s self-hosted Twitch. A very pleasant platform, tbh
The link you provided is one to the concrete post, not the subcategory on the KDE Blogs page.
This is what I was talking about.