How does this work? I thought WebRTC is UDP and Tor is over TCP. I don’t really know what I’m talking about here, but I’d like to know some details.
How does this work? I thought WebRTC is UDP and Tor is over TCP. I don’t really know what I’m talking about here, but I’d like to know some details.
At least for sweden they appear to have shipping options with taxes/duty included. I don’t have in front of me right now, but it was something like 200€ all inclusive shipping on a 500€ order. Something like that.
Analysts using Julia and Mathematica are confused by this meme.
Oh, wow. Just ordered a new computer. I guess it have to include some more disks!
Installed ubuntu on an rpi and firefox there ran snap. Was not very usable. Everything was so slow. Forcing an install of the dep package was the only way to use it. Not very well thought through bu cannonical.
How do you spell ed
with five letters? smh
Do you dd the device directly, and while it is running for this?
Which parts are OpenTelemetry for? Is Prometheus Agent, Prometheus Server and Grafana not enough?
Good thing you solved it, then it feels better to try and make this joke:
The reason it’s not working is because you are on the wrong network, that is nacho’ wifi.
Is this a diagram for how it should work? Not how it actually works? Like I put my stuff in the ~/.bashrc, mostly because I think the debian one says like “put your fun stuff below here” or something. The green and grey lines go through the ~/.bashrc, but both of them go through the “no login” bubble in the diagram. But I know my ~/.bashrc works, so the diagram is a suggestion?
This is how I handle code at work, almost. Program not working? Who has the last commit on the code? You get the question!
well “saata” is closer to the pronounciation of satan in finnish, “saatana”. Was it Linus you’ve heard?
Do you then read ‘dd’ as ‘disk destoyer’ to send chills down people’s spines?
Yeah. Then I think we are doing the same thing.
I pronounce it in swedish so that its just Satan without the -n.
So an /oun/ instead of an /ōn/? I hate it! :-D
Do y’all ponounce it as one word? Heard someone once say “c-h-own” and I was confused.
Radicale? I have not used it much myself yet. Its very minimal and focused on calendar stuff.
What can you do with thw WSL? Can you run a wm for example with it? And if so, can you use the super key as a modifier?
Oh, it is part of the Tor project even. Cool. Thanks. I will read the links.