• 2 Posts
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: January 21st, 2022


  • It depends by what job you have: a plumber, for example, could probably run their business entirely with their phone.
    But we’re missing the point, I’m not saying a smartphone can replace a PC, whether it be Linux, iOS or Android. I’m saying that If you need to do all the tasks that are required by a “modern day job” and you need to do them well, then I’m sorry (I really am) but Linux phones aren’t ready yet.

    And most people aren’t running a business, so there’s that.

    Most people don’t have the skill to troubleshoot a Linux phone, why don’t we count them too in the statistics?
    Then, I used “running a business” as just an example to indicate the “urgency of a functioning phone” for whatever reason: it might just be that you have a relative you have to take care of, or that you are a doctor/nurse that can be contacted on every moment, or that you’re an a job hunt and cannot miss the call… I can go on for hours on why in A.D. 2024 a person from whichever social context cannot afford to be off the grid

  • I respond to you just because yours is the last of the “I daily drive a PinePhone” comments, but this is meant for everyone with the same opinion.

    Do you, in all honesty, feel comfortable enough with your device that you would confidently run a business solely through it?
    I’m not an influencer, so my job isn’t “taking pictures all the time”, but still I wouldn’t rely on a Linux phone to run my business because I cannot risk:

    • to miss a phone call, a text or an email;
    • to run out of battery if I’m outside my office all day long;
    • to have a faulty GPS should I use a navigator to meet a client;
    • that Bluetooth disconnects mid-call for the 5th time in a day while I’m driving;
    • that I have to take a picture to collect information and the latest update borked the camera.

    All of these things happen frequently on a Linux phone, and if you have a job where you can live through it good for you, I envy you TBH.
    On the other hand, keep in mind that it’s not just the “Instagram people” that need a reliable device.

  • It was a joke based on the fact that Canonical’s snaps are sort of a kink for some people and when some people with kinks have sex, they want their partner to slap them, so they ask in a polite way while they refer to said partner as “daddy”, so it was, more or less, a wordplay on how the words “snap” and “slap” sound similar…
    IDK, dude I don’t even use Ubuntu, just try not to be the lobster in the picture ✌️