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Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: March 20th, 2024


  • Get rid of the plastic, attach it to one of your own gloves.

    Way better experience. Also really good for home grown vr in the early 90’s (combined with some LCDs nabbed off camcamcorders and a VGA to s-video (or composite) converter).

    i’d love to see a new powerglove. Though I think at this point an esp32 and some sensors could do all the same tricks… Hmmmm…

  • If you do find it let me know, I’d love to see it! I really do have about 20 hours of training in networking I give to folks, and since it’s literally 20 hours of information, I like to put in fun stuff.

    Like a picture of a facemask I added during COVID with “stay at, don’t”. Super cheesy but at least it’s a mental distraction from information overload haha

  • Let’s see…

    My servers (tiny/mini/micros) in total are about… 600W or so. Two NASs, about 15-20W a piece.

    I spend a out $150/mo in electricity, but my hot water/HVAC/etc are the big power draw. I’d say about $40-50/mo is what I’m spending on powering the servers in my office.

    Definitely puts off some heat, but that’s partially because it’s all in one rack, and I’ve got a bunch of other work hardware in there. It’s about 2 degrees warmer in my office than the rest of my home, but I also have air cycling all the time since it’s a single unit HVAC and I need to keep the air moving to keep it all the right temp in the other rooms anyway (AC will come on more often otherwise, even without my rack).

  • After you get the basics (others covered that), what I like to do when learning a new language is make a series of simple games.

    Things like:

    • Guess the number (user input)
    • Hangman (more complex user input)
    • Pong (even more complex user input, graphics, hit detection, etc)
    • Space invaders (arrays, ways to increase difficulty including qty and speed)

    Etc. Good luck and enjoy learning!

  • So a few comments…

    • I’m not a fan of Ubuntu server, in part because their distribution of docker through snap can conflict with snap from the docker repo. My preference here is either Debian or Proxmox (debian + great virtualization setup). Mint is good, though I like LMDE (Debian edition) more, in part because I prefer Debian in general.
    • You may want to check out dockge. You do need to have docker running for it, but it’s a simple setup, and it has a clean interface for docker compose. Good for getting used to it imo.
    • grub has no part in docker, so it’s something else hanging.
    • What are the exact errors when you enter “docker-compose up”?
    • what is in your docker-compose for each of these?

  • For lots of services that require little CPU and ram, I use tiny/mini/micro PCs, bought used. I get them for anywhere from $100-$400, and usually all I do is drop in an SSD. That includes Linux VMs when I’m testing distros or deployment on a distro, since 32gb ram on the host is more than enough to leave 4-8gb ram to the VM.

    For some heavier applications, I also have a 4RU case stacked with drives, which I use as a third NAS (VM with drives passed through), large DBs, etc. Its just a 1700x with 64GB ram, and that’s plenty.

    For most things (DNS, a few web servers, git, grafana, Prometheus, rev proxies, Jenkins, personal fdroid repo, homepage, etc) I just use the tiny/mini/micro’s. Imo, you can’t go wrong with those for your services, and a big case with spare parts and lots of drives for your NAS. Especially at the price you mentioned. Just remember you can separate your services easily, so don’t focus on getting everything in one spot, you can make your requirements (and cost) go up quickly.