• 13 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • I think I’ve explained quite well already, but again, many vendors, like Samsung, kill any background jobs before they have a chance to run. No matter what technology you use, it will get killed. The only thing that doesn’t get killed is an exact alarm that’s allowed to wake your phone from sleep. Everything else will get killed on Samsung. Including periodic alarms and including work manager, periodic or not.

    I have no idea what the rest of your message is even talking about, I don’t have any WallpaperService, I don’t do any of what you mention, so I don’t quite understand why are you even talking about it.

    In conclusion, further discussion on this topic is unnecessary because you seem to be rambling on and on about stuff that’s not at all related to why the battery optimization exception is needed. It’s not because of stock Android, but because of other vendor’s flavors of Android.

  • The wallpapers are changed automatically in the background. And many phone vendors will kill the background job, even if it doesn’t consume almost any resources. If you don’t disable battery optimizations, don’t be surprised that the app doesn’t work.

    Edit: To cite https://dontkillmyapp.com/problem:

    (…) This even gets so absurd that with some vendors (e.g. Nokia, Xiaomi, OnePlus, Samsung or Huawei) our smartphones are becoming dumbphones again.

    Dumbphones are unable to do any useful tasks for you in the background unless you actively use your device at the time. This affects most of the apps that are not just another browser window. Most affected are alarm clocks, health trackers, automation apps, or simply anything that needs to do some job for you at a particular moment when you aren’t using your device.

    Emphasis is mine. I can confirm that it indeed gets killed on my Samsung if I don’t disable battery optimizations. At the same time my phone reports 0% battery used since last charge even with battery optimizations disabled. Meaning I don’t abuse the privilege, but just do what the app should do on its own if some vendors weren’t way too eager.

  • The end-result is more or less the same, once the information that you’re doing it is out, you’re out of luck. And if you become successful, people will definitely know. And if you’re doing something, you probably want to be successful. That’s why there’s not much in terms of alternate NSFW app stores.

    I personally use Obtainium to download apks from source (including mine own app from this post), that’s the next best thing to an uncensored app store.