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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 4th, 2023


  • No? I left out the detailed info here as I thought it’s of no concern. I provided it with pretty much the same info I’d write to the Linux Kernel Mailing List. With computer bugs that’s usually steps to reproduce the issue, exact versions of everything, exact error messages and my findings from googling and looking at the code…

    That was one of the issues I had that only gave me one or two search results and it’s unlikely that someone comes up with a solution since the hardware is outdated and not many people have that specific board lying around and also the expertise to understand the low level hardware coding involved.

    I mean it kind of fits the rest of the picture I have from using ChatGPT and similar stuff. It can do easy stuff. And write boilerplate code pretty alright. With the Arduino code I’m tinkering around as a hobby… not so much. I once asked it to do the inverse kinematics for a small robotics project. And the AI can tell me about what I just read on the Wikipedia article about that topic. But that’s it. Not an idea how to apply that info. And that the complicated part is to come up with the specific Jacobian matrix. And not just tell me that using one is one of the few approaches to that problem. That’s obvious from reading the Wikipedia article or reading any textbook. And it did silly things like write code like equation.solve(parameter1, parameter2, parameter3) … Sure. I mean if I already had a framework that did that and was available on an embedded platform, I wouldn’t have had that problem in the first place…

    So my attempts at using AI for the issues I have with computers regularly fail. I can see how that’s not the experience everyone has, but still… It doesn’t really help me with specific problems or rare issues.

    And I still have a few I can try to question some AI about… An slow Wireguard VPN tunnel inside if another tunnel that I already fixed the MTU and it’s still unbearably slow… A few obscure webframeworks that don’t tie into things… But I’m pretty sure I’ll get the same results.

    Have you ever been lucky with AI and issues that didn’t get you any search results because no one ever did it before? I mean I’d be happy to learn how to use AI properly as a tool. It’s just I’ve tried and I don’t think I’m too stupid to prompt it. It’s just that I’ve given up since it doesn’t seem nowhere near intelligent enough to tackle the real issues I have. I’m not opposed to AI. I use it and it helps me get small stuff done easier/faster.

  • I’ve tried. And usually the questions I ask are too specific. I mean I can answer the basic questions myself and often I get several result when it’s just that. The AI just mumbles general advice and is always wrong if it’s too specific. Like for example: Why does the graphics driver crap out on any OpenGL ES instruction on the old single board computer I have lying around, despite the SoC being supported?

  • I’m somewhat fine with that. But you absolutely have to tell people to keep the discussions to random chatter and the absolute minimum then. (And internal talk maybe, if that’s of no interest to the public. Once it gets important or someone asks for advice that could be beneficial to others, the discussion on Discord needs to be interrupted and switch platforms. Or be copied to a Wiki after the fact.

  • The most important downside for me is: I’m looking for some information about an issue I’m having or how to install or configure something and I find none. Because all the people talk behind closed doors and googling etc doesn’t help any more. Only solution is to join every Discord and platform before you start using your software and scrolling trough pages of chat messages.

    I’d rather google for an error message and then be directed directly to an issue tracker where people discussed that specific problem.

  • Cloudflare, Pagekite, a cheap VPS with a reverse proxy. Maybe IPv6-only access if your CGNat does that, ngrok, serveo, rathole, sish, a VPN… I also found portmap-io, webhook relay, packetriot and countless other smaller companies. There are quite some tools and services available. And which one is right for you might depend on the exact situation and what you’re hosting. I’m not an expert on this. I have an internet connection without a NAT, and additionally a really tiny VPS with a mailserver, a small website and wireguard. I just use that to tunnel through NAT if i need to. But that means I haven’t compared all the other services since I don’t need them (yet.) I’ve learned a bit about Cloudflare from this discussion.

  • Thx for explaining. I think I halfway know what this is about now. I don’t think I’m their target group. But I learned something about web application firewalls in the process and that is a good thing. I think I’m going to activate that for some of my private services since it’s so easy and look up if there are good ip ban lists. It’s a bummer that I don’t get to see proper documentation on this, since security is all about exact facts and scenarios. But I guess no answer is also an answer. If they just feed buzzwords to me, either my initial skepticism was warranted, or I’m just not their target audience and they only target enterprise users. Either way I’m better off with my current approach. I appreciate I got to learn something :-)