Debian is one of my favorites and one of the easiest to use if you are new. i haven’t tried mint but they are very similar.
Void heart (rare)
I oscillate between void and debian. I use a french press. Idk what that says about me
I didnt know archinstall existed when I first installed arch 😔
Oh?! Those app icons not appearing or working properly every once and a while are a gnome problem? Genuinely just thought I was doing something wrong.
I am not necessarily new to linux as I have distro hopped extensively so I might give KDE plasma a shot as I have heard good things but I am certainly not an expert when It comes to linux. I have only learned enough to keep my games running and my desktop environment clean. Sometimes I will run into an issue I cant fix and just reinstall the OS or try another one lmao.
I’ve recently grown quite interested in customizing my DE but was struggling to understand how people do it. Not used to messing with config files and I downloaded themes but didn’t know how to install them. It often feels like I simply expected to know a lot of linux knowledge so steps often go unexplained and since I learned how to use linux primarly independantly and through necessary maintenance, there’s a lot of of stuff I simply never learned because I did not need to.
Also what is the difference between a system tray and a control center?
I’ve quite enjoyed gnome so far. What are your complaints with it? Granted I don’t think I have actually used another DE but I genuinely don’t run into issues with gnome and the design is good enough imo.
What’s your preferred DE and why?
Very tempted to try this one. What do you like about it?
I use void because I liked the name
This is why I use init
Migrated to void
So it would seem
Fr? Getting it set up wasn’t a perfect experience but I didn’t find it any more difficult than any other non-debian based distro once I had a DE. Pretty much just need xbps-install and xbps-remove 99% of the time. I might be out of touch tho lmao
Ok but void really is a solid choice
I just shot my OS in the heart, why isn’t it working?
Newborn paranoid is actually me 💀