He/Him Jack of all trades, master of none

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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 10th, 2023


  • If we’re talking about a 24 hour video, then we definitely can’t find every instance of smoke. If there isn’t any smoke exactly 12 hours into the video, then it throws away the entire first 12 hours. Any evidence that could have been found in those 12 hours is gone. A binary search throws away half of the information at a time. It super can’t locate multiple instances of something happening.

    I’ve been wrong in arguments before, it feels awful. The best things to do are either address the misunderstanding in the original comment, or not engage with anyone else who feels like arguing more. One thing I miss from Reddit was being able to toggle notifications on a per-comment basis.

  • The time of the event doesn’t necessarily coincide with any of the times that you’re checking. That’s the whole point of looking for visual cues. Again, if the event happens 34 minutes into the video, and it leaves AI detectable visual cues for 10 minutes, the AI will never find it using binary search. It will skip to 30 minutes, see nothing, skip to 45 minutes, see nothing, skip to 52:30, see nothing, skip to 56:15, see nothing, and fail at some point when it can’t divide the video further. Binary search would fail in this scenario. It’s not just useless, it’s an abject failure, and the AI was a waste of processing power when you could have scrubbed forward five minutes at a time instead. That would have found the visual cue, but would not be a binary search.

  • Actually, an AI could determine the difference between those, based on shape, location, and opacity, etc.

    Lmao now I know you’re fucking with me

    Yeah lemme spend three weeks training this AI on the difference between gunsmoke, cigarette smoke, vapes, and fog in this specific alley. Oh, y’all already found the killer because someone just watched the video? Well my point stands, the AI could do it faster

    Once it’s trained

    In another week

    Oh shit, it thought that guy’s cell phone was a gun. See you in another month!

  • less long by AI (faster to detect changes than humans).

    Many things change things. A bit of smoke in the air might have been from a gunshot that happened 10 minutes ago, or it might have been from a cigarette 15 minutes ago. Binary search relies on changes that indicate a specific thing has happened–a broken window, a bike no longer there, blood stains on the street. Anything undetectable by humans would still be useless to AIs. A bit a smoke? Could have been a gunshot 3 minutes ago, could have been a cigarette, could be fog, could be a vape. Even the things that AIs are truly useful for, like interpreting video compression artifacts, wouldn’t help, because any number of things can cause compression artifacts. How could it tell what pixels are slightly off color because of a gunshot 3 minutes ago, and what pixels are slightly off color because someone walked past the camera?

    At that point, just feed the entire video to the AI and have it tell you when it sees guns or puffs of smoke or hears screams. Binary search is useless when you can just have a machine watch the entire video in one sitting over the course of five seconds and tell you when the interesting thing happens.

  • Maybe I have no understanding of what a binary search is. My understanding is that you check halfway through the video, see if the thing has happened yet, then skip halfway to the end if it hasn’t. Check again, skip again. When you see the cue that the event has happened, you rewind to halfway between the latest point where the event hadn’t happened yet and the earliest point when it has. Keep doing that and you can pinpoint the exact frame where the event happens in a matter of minutes.

    Binary search would be largely useless in cases where you have a good chance of skipping right past the event. If the video is an hour long, and the event happens 34 minutes in and leaves a visual cue that lasts less than 11 minutes, then binary search does not find the event. At that point, watching the video fast forwarded would be the way to go, and that’s not a binary search, that’s just watching the video.

    So I should correct myself: the visual cue doesn’t have to last the remainder of the video, it just needs to last until one of the points that you check. Which still makes it not useful for things that don’t leave visual cues that last more than a few minutes, because it cannot find most of those events if they happen at a random time in an hour+ video.