It is that easy, like you said. And with Cloudflare and Caddy you can get TLS for your internal VPN hosts. I love that.
It is that easy, like you said. And with Cloudflare and Caddy you can get TLS for your internal VPN hosts. I love that.
My Vaultwarden is behind a private VPN, but I’ll still update today. Thanks.
My favorite is StalinSort. You go through the list and eliminate all elements which are not in line.
I’ve been doing home networking for many years now and the public Domain + Cloudflare DNS + Let’s Encrypt is the easiest it’s ever been.
There is really no reason to use self-signed anymore. I use Let’s Encrypt even for addresses.
Our phones back then were actual potatoes and we wore them next to the turnip on our belt, as was the fashion back then.
I am so old that I worked with SGML. Compared to that, XML is a lovely language. And sometimes I still miss writing XSLT to quickly transform some XML documents. These days you can do similar things with JSON, of course. But it’s not as easy and standardized as the XML tooling.
How is that different than what Go, for example, does? An if err != nil after each statement is just as annoying. In the end you have to validate almost all return values and the way it happens is just syntax.
The exception is part of the method signature and thus part of the return value. I don’t see a difference between using if or try-catch to validate a method call.
It’s a domain with hosts that all resolve to private IP addresses. I don’t care if someone manages to see hosts like vaultwarden, cloud, docs or photos through enumeration if they all resolve to addresses. Setting up a private resolver and private PKI is just too much of a bother.
I found options like .local and now .internal way too long for my private stuff. So I managed to get a two-letter domain from some obscure TLD and with Cloudflare as DNS I can use Caddy to get Let’s Encrypt certs for hosts that resolve to IPs. Caddy has plugins for other DNS providers, if you don’t want to go with Cloudflare.
The Turkish guy, Yusuf Dikec, is my spirit animal.
It’s just that he has enormously long arms.
Haha, let’s inconvenience 99.9% of humans so some programmers have a slightly easier life. I’ve had my share of frustration with time zones, but this change is so enormous, that it’s in no way appropriate.
I do this. I use Cloudflare as my DNS and Caddy as my server. With the Cloudflare plugin Caddy gets TLS certs even for 10/8 addresses.
I wrote elsewhere that based on everything I read about gender the logical conclusion is that there are only two genders. Male and political.
Everything I’ve read and heard on the topic of gender has led me to the conclusion that there are only two genders. Male and political.
What? If you replace Windows with free alternatives, it’s still Windows? You still owe Microsoft money?
The best Hello World I saw used a random library. Because there’s no true random without hardware, the author figured out the correct seed to write Hello World with “random” characters. I’ve used that to show junior devs that random in programming doesn’t mean truly random.
I am using Let’s Encrypt. Cloudflare is used for DNS validation.