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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • Yeah, Linux is pretty easy and user friendly for day to day use for the vast majority of users, since most people spend all their time in a browser anyway. It’s just that hurdle of getting it installed. The people who use it without issue are usually those that know nothing about Linux, and the very experienced. It’s the people in the middle that have trouble, they know enough to get themselves in trouble, but not enough to solve the problems they run into.

    That’s pretty much where ChromeOS comes in. Linux out of the box, and the same tinkerers will still get into trouble and blame Linux, but when they reset the machine, it’s back to Linux. Same story as Windows. If it comes preloaded, the end user will be happy with it, but the tinkerers always overestimate their skills/understanding.

  • I feel like every time I’ve had to fix someone’s Linux install, it was caused by someone trying to add software that they don’t need, but are used to using in Windows.

    Most recently a friend needed to update Linux Mint, and a TeamViewer ppa was preventing the upgrade from completing. Not a difficult fix, but something that comes up often in my experience.

  • Obviously I disagree with your main point, but, considering I have been a Linux only user (in my personal life) for over a decade, it’s only natural that I would consider it easy to use and intuitive, as such, I won’t even try to argue against that assertion.

    With that said, if you want to make a point against something just working, you may want to choose something other than printers as evidence of how bad Linux is. Printers are universally terrible on every OS.

    Anecdotally, I have had far fewer issues with printers on Linux than I have had with printers on Windows. But, most of the “tech support” I do for printers is from people who are arguably tech illiterate and using Windows. So, I’d again consider that a wash that doesn’t really add weight to either side of the argument.

    tl;dr: printers are universally terrible and we should all stop using them anyway