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Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: March 3rd, 2024


  • You cannot say that definitely. There’s every chance my problems are fixed, the more people who adopt linux the more similar problems people will have.

    I agree that Linux desktop will probably never take off due to the nature of its development, but we dont know that for sure. If companies like Valve want to keep investing into it, there’s always a chance.

  • Yeah, it’s no surprise that the trillion dollar company’s product is more functional. Linux is good for people who want to tinker and mess around, but we are kidding ourselves if we think it’s ready for general adoption as a desktop OS. It works well for specific usecases like SteamOS because it’s custom built to run with certain hardware.

    I was going to try more, but honestly couldn’t be bothered, I have everything I need with Windows without issue and while I was open to fiddle a bit, all the issues left a sour taste, so I will probably wait some time for the distros to mature a bit further,

  • I went through an episode of trying to swap to Linux about a year ago.

    I tried Arch, got it all setup but had issues with smoothness just on the desktop. Tried Wayland and didnt work well with Nvidia, after trawling through random fixes to attempt, gave up.
    I tried PopOS, just because it was apparently the best out of the box for games, which setup was easy, but again it was sluggish.
    I went back to Arch again, got it setup and thought I would just put up with the laggy dragging of windows, to give the rest a chance. I use a slightly advanced audio setup on Windows with Voicemeeter and could not get a similar setup working on Arch. I couldnt even use apps such as Discord in the same way, along with other little things piling up I just went back to Windows which “just works”.

    I was running multi-monitor and apparently there’s no simple support for mismatched refresh rates and Nvidia GPUs still have trouble in general.

    I run a Pi and Linux is great for that, I like it, but in my opinion Linux is far from becoming a good Desktop OS.