you’re high on mushrooms in the Viking age, the gods are everywhere

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Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: February 19th, 2024


  • I like adding a backup function to .profile that can take a file or list of files as an argument and make a copy with a date suffix on the file name, and same date additional backups just add a character like ~ at the end. It’s in version control, but if I’m testing a change it’s just faster to restore the file from a copy in the same place.

  • Not op but guessing she had an idea from media like TV shows and movies that make technical jobs seem much more exciting for entertainment over realism. Crises are usually more Jerry accidentally deleted a directory and we need to recover some files and establish safe guard procedures to prevent it from happening again or this thing broke that nobody even knew existed so we gotta figure it out and less type fast enough to save the mainframe from l33t hackers.

  • Went to the FedEx print shop a few months back. They directed me to a self help that wanted me to overpay or it wouldn’t print anything (blocks of payments, like 5/10/15 but the thing I wanted was like 7.89). I asked if they could do it for me instead so I could just pay for the thing I want and they said yes but would charge I think it was 2 bucks for assistance, still cheaper than the other overcharge but wtf. Just going to a locally owned place from now on after that ridiculousness.

  • I think the general idea would be to take the original const, and create a new const with the new location applied. Destroy the original when it’s no longer needed or scoped. State maintained through parameters passed to the move function e.g. move(original const, new location) -> new const object instead of stateful members in the object like move(mutable, new location) -> updated mutable.